Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Gracious God, Anoint Me With Fresh Oil!

 Gracious God, Anoint Me With Fresh Oil!

"I shall be anointed with fresh oil." (Psalm 92:10).

The work of the Holy Spirit in the heart, is of the greatest importance. Until we experience it, we are dead in sin. Having once enjoyed it, we often need its renewal. The work of the Holy Spirit in the heart is variously represented in God's Word, and is compared to a variety of things. In one place, to the reviving and refreshing influences of the dew. In another, to the quickening and fructifying effects of the shower. Again, the Psalmist sings, "I shall be anointed with fresh oil."

Oil is a common emblem of the Spirit, who is called "the anointing which you have received." This anointing represents His renewing, sanctifying, and saving operations, as received  and enjoyed by all God's people. This anointing consecrates them as God's kings, and they become the Lord's anointed. It qualifies them as God's priests, and they become a royal priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God, through Jesus Christ. This anointing beautifies them, as God's sons, causing their faces to shine, and filling them with joy and peace. This anointing perfumes them as God's favorites, and all their garments smell of myrrh, aloes, and cassia.

Without this anointing, we cannot reign as kings, officiate as priests, approach God as sons, or rejoice before Him as favorites.

The EFFECTS of this anointing are many, and very precious:

This anointing gives us fresh views of Christ, and every sight of Him endears Him more and more to our hearts. This anointing gives us a deeper experience of the truth, and we know more of its power, sweetness, and savor. This anointing gives us more power in prayer, and we plead with God and prevail. This anointing gives us sweeter enjoyment of ordinances, for we see more of Christ in them. This anointing gives us stronger confidence in God, so that we conquer our doubt and fears, and can trust God in the dark. This anointing gives a delightful savor to our conversation, so that we not only speak of Christ with freedom, and pleasure - but there is savor and a power in what we say. This anointing preserves us from falling into temptation. Nothing will raise us above the world, give us power over flesh, or make us a match for satan - like being anointed with fresh oil.

We are regenerated but once - but we may receive the renewings of the Holy Spirit often, and unless we receive these renewings, we shall become dry, barren, lifeless, and cold. We should ardently desire the fresh anointing of the Spirit. He is as necessary to our souls, as the vital air is to our bodies. We should earnestly pray to "be fully filled with the Spirit," that we may live in the Spirit and walk in the Spirit.

Gracious God, anoint me with fresh oil!

We sometimes say, "beware of a religion without Christ." It is of quite as much importance to say, "beware of a religion without the Holy Spirit."

Reader, are you one of God's anointed ones? Have you received an unction from the Holy One? Does the Spirit of God dwell in you? Beware, O beware, of a religion without the Holy Spirit! If the Holy Spirit is in you, He will daily teach you your need of Christ, bring you to Chrtist, make Christ precious to you, and lead you to glory in Him, and in Him alone.

~James Smith~

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