Monday, November 9, 2020

Do Not Grieve The Holy Spirit!

 Do Not Grieve The Holy Spirit!

"Do you not know that you yourselves are God's temple and that God's Spirit lives in you?" (1 Corinthians 3:16).

"Do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption." (Ephesians 4:30).

See how great is the sin of grieving the Holy Spirit.

We grieve Him, when we take little or no notice of His amazing condescension and love - in coming freely and willingly to be our Comforter and Sanctifier.

We grieve Him, when we make no returns of love to Him - by bringing forth in a holy walk and conduct, the fruits of the Spirit.

We grieve Him, when by careless neglect and unwatchfulness, we fall into those habits and courses which He abhors.

He is grieved, because He loves us and has our happiness much at heart - for to promote our holiness and happiness is the object of His indwelling us. When we put obstructions in His way, and we promote our own misery - how is the Spirit of love grieved!

Let us therefore, above all things, attend to His motions, and beware of a barren and unfruitful profession of religion, and of defiling by secret indulgences - the temple and habitation of the Spirit.

Shall we grieve Him who dwells with us as our Comforter? How unworthy - how base a conduct! Shall we, who have tasted that the Lord is gracious - by our negligence, sin and folly, grieve Him who has come on purpose to comfort us?

Shall we grieve Him, without whom we cannot live, cannot think one good thought, nor breathe one good desire!

Shall we grieve Him, whose presence in the soul is Heaven, and whose absence is a hell of corruption, darkness, and misery!

Is it possible that we should make such base returns for such love, and be such enemies to our own happiness!

Alas, what is man! In what dust and ashes ought even the best of us to lie down before Him!

Shall we not rather take notice of His love and His kindness, and thankfully receive all our comforts from His hands, and observe His love and grace in every refreshing thought put into our minds?

Yes, shall we not carefully watch and promote all His strivings and motions within us, and cheerfully comply with them, however self-denying and contrary to flesh and blood? 

When He convicts of sin - let us set our hearts mightily against it. When He speaks comfort - let us hear Him as the Lord our Comforter, making known the riches of love and grace to our souls.

~Thomas Charles~

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