Thursday, November 19, 2020

A Whole Christ With A Whole Heart!

 A Whole Christ With A Whole Heart!

The terms upon which Christ is offered in the gospel are these: that we shall accept of a whole Christ with a whole heart. Now, mark - a whole Christ includes all His offices, and a whole heart includes all our faculties.

Christ as mediator, is prophet, priest, and King.

Christ as a prophet instructs us. Christ as a priest redeems us and intercedes for us. Christ as a King sanctifies and rules us.

A hypocrite may be willing to embrace Christ as a priest to save him from wrath, from the curse, from hell, from everlasting burning - but he is never sincerely willing to embrace Christ as a prophet to teach and instruct him, and as a king to rule and reign over him.

Many hypocrites are willing to embrace a saving Christ - but they are not willing to embrace a ruling Christ, a commanding Christ. "But those enemies of Mine who did not want Me to be king over them - bring here and kill them in front of Me!" (Luke 19:27).

Hypocrites love to share with Christ in His happiness - but they don't love to share with Christ in His holiness. They are willing to be redeemed by Christ - but they are not cordially willing to submit to the laws and government of Christ. They are willing to be saved by His blood - but they are not willing to submit to His scepter.

But a true Christian receives Christ in all His offices. He accepts Him, not only as a saving Jesus - but also as a Lord Jesus. He embraces Him, not only as a saving Christ - but also as a ruling Christ. He received Christ as a King upon His throne, as well as an atoning sacrifice upon His Cross.

A hypocrite is all for a saving Christ, for a sin-pardoning Christ, for a soul-saving Christ - but has no regard for a ruling Christ, a reigning Christ, a commanding Christ, a sanctifying Christ, and this at last will prove his damning sin!

~Thomas Brooks~

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