Monday, November 30, 2020

His Plan For Me

 His Plan For Me

When I stand at the Judgment Seat of Christ

And He shows His plan for me,

The plan of my life as it might have been

Had He had His way - and I see

How I blocked Him here, and checked Him there,

And I would not yield my will,

Will there be grief in my Saviour's eyes,

Grief though He loves me still?

Would He have me rich and I stand there poor,

Stripped of all but His grace,

While memory runs like a hunted thing,

Down the paths I cannot retrace.

Lord, of the years that are left to me

I give them to Thy hand

Take me and break me and mold me,

To the pattern that Thou hast planned!

~Author Unknown~

Sunday, November 29, 2020

The Panacea For All The Ills Of Life!

 The Panacea For All The Ills Of Life!

"The mind of sinful man is death, but the mind controlled by the Holy Spirit is life and peace." (Romans 8:6).

Spirituality flows from the gracious operations of the Holy Spirit in the soul, who kindles spiritual love, awakens spiritual desires, and produces spiritual devotion.

The Holy Spirit's work in the believer consists: 

1. In convincing us of sin, when we go astray from the right ways of the Lord.

2. In working repentance within us, and leading us to confess and mourn over our sins before God.

3. In opening up, and applying the Word of God, so that it meets our case, feeds our faith, fires our love, and deepens our humility.

4. In exciting and drawing forth the soul in prayer, praise, and adoration at the throne of God - so that we sometimes melt in contrition, are crumbled down in humiliation, and are almost dissolved in love.

5. In giving us soul-refreshing glimpses of the glorious person of Jesus, of the everlasting covenant, and of eternal glory.

6. In melting us down in sincere gratitude before God, under a sense of His undeserved favor.

7. In removing all legal fears, and causing holy peace to flow through the soul like a river.

8. In melting us in meekness, and producing sweet submission to the sovereign will of God.

9. In sweetly soothing and consoling under trials and bereavements; and enabling us to look heavenward with hope and joy.

10. In giving us sweet intimations of the love of God to us, by holy discoveries of His grace.

11. In witnessing to our adoption, awakening the cry of "Abba, Father!" in our hearts.

12. In quickening us to rejoice in the Lord, when all things around are calculated to fill us with despondency and gloom.

The Spirit works within the Christian, teaching him daily to make use of Christ as the panacea for all the ills of life!

In all these things, and many more - the work of the Spirit in the experience of the believer appears.

Reader, do you know anything of these things in your own experience? Is the Spirit daily working in your heart, and do you pay attention to the lessons He teaches, the impressions He makes, and the direction in which He points?

O for more of the Spirit's work within us - that we may live to the praise and glory of Him who loved us, and died to redeem us!

Holy Spirit, work in us more and more - teaching us Your truth, and conforming us to Christ! O for more of Your power, love, and holiness!

~James Smith~

Friday, November 27, 2020



"You ought to live holy and godly lives." (2 Peter 3:11).

Holiness is a very comprehensive word, and expresses a state of mind and conduct that includes many things.

Holiness is the work of the Holy Spirit in our sanctification.

Holiness is the fruit of faith in our Lord Jesus Christ.

Holiness is the operation of the new nature, which we receive in regeneration.

Holiness may be viewed in various aspects, according to the different objects to which it relates.

Toward God, holiness is supreme love; delight in His moral character; submission to His will; obedience to His commands; zeal for His cause; seeking of His glory.

Toward Christ, holiness is a conformity to His example, imbibing His spirit.

Toward man, holiness is charity, integrity, truth, mercy.

Toward sin, holiness is a hatred of all iniquity, a tender conscience easily wounded by little sins, and scrupulously avoiding them; together with a laborious, painful, self-denying, mortification of all the known corruptions of our heart.

Toward self, holiness is the control of our fleshly appetites; the eradication of our pride; the mortification of our selfishness.

Toward divine things in general, holiness is spirituality of mind, the habitual current of godly thought, godly affections flowing through the soul.

And, toward the objects of the unseen world, holiness is heavenly-mindedness, a turning away from things seen and temporal, to things unseen and eternal.

Oh, what a word is holiness! How much does it comprehend! How little is it understood, and how much less is it practiced!

~J. A. James~ 

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Without The Holy Spirit (and others)

 Without The Holy Spirit (and others)

When the Spirit of God is gone, even truth itself becomes an iceberg. How wretched is religion when it becomes frozen and lifeless! The Holy Spirit is gone, and all energy and enthusiasm have gone with Him.

What the valleys would be without their brooks, or the cities without their wells; what the corn fields would be without the sun, or the vintage without the summer - what would our churches be without the Holy Spirit. As well think of day without light, or life without breath, or heaven without God, as of Christian service without the Holy Spirit.

Nothing can supply His place if He is absent; the pastures are a desert, the fruitful fields are a wilderness, Sharon languishes, and Carmel is burned with fire.

Blessed Spirit of the Lord, forgive us that we have done such despite to You, by our forgetfulness of You, by our proud self-sufficiency, by resisting Your influences, and quenching Your fire! Henceforth work tenderly impressible, and then turn us as wax to the seal, and stamp upon us the image of the Son of God.

~Charles Spurgeon~


The Holy Spirit Is The Comforter - But Jesus Is The Comfort!

"The Comforter, who is the Holy Spirit." (John 14:26).

This age is especially the dispensation of the Holy Spirit, in which Jesus cheers us, not by His personal presence, as He shall do in glory - but by the indwelling and constant abiding of the Holy Spirit, who is evermore the Comforter of His people. It is His office to console the hearts of God's people. He convinces of sin; He illuminates and instructs - but still the main par of His work lies in comforting the hearts of the renewed, in confirming the weak, and lifting up all those who are bowed down.

He does this - by revealing Jesus to them! The Holy Spirit consoles - but Christ is the consolation. If we may use the figure, the Holy Spirit is the Physician - but Jesus is the medicine. The Holy Spirit heals the wound - but it is by applying the holy ointment of Christ's grace. Thh Holy Spirit is the comforter - but Jesus is the Comfort!

Now, with such rich provision for his need, why should the Christian be sad and desponding? The Holy Spirit as graciously engaged to be your Comforter. Do you imagine, O weak and trembling believer, that He will be negligent of His sacred trust? Can you suppose that He has undertaken what He cannot or will not perform? If it is His special work to strengthen you, and to comfort you - do you suppose He has forgotten His business, or that He will fail in the loving office which He sustains towards you? No! Do not think so harshly of the tender and blessed Spirit, whose name is "the Comforter." He delights to give beauty instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. Trust in Him, and He will surely comfort you - until the house of mourning is closed forever - and the marriage feast has begun!

~Charles Spurgeon~

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

The Spirit's Leading!

 The Spirit's Leading!

"As many as are led by the Spirit of God - they are the sons of God." (Romans 8:14).

Here is a mark of divine sonship: All who follow the leadings of the Holy Spirit - they are children of God.

The Spirit leads His followers to the looking-glass of Divine truth. Here they discover their spiritual deformity and impurity. Here they see what they are - and what they need.

The Spirit leads them to the throne of grace - and there He helps their infirmities, and makes intercession for them according to the will of God.

The Spirit leads them to the Cross! When they see Jesus dying for their sins, atoning for their transgressions - they lose the burden of guilt.

The Spirit leads them in the path of loving obedience - and they experience the blessedness of keeping Christ's commands.

The Spirit leads them in the track of the Good Shepherd - and enables them to hear His voice and to follow Him.'

As many as are led by the Spirit of God - they are the sons of God."

Many, alas! are following the leadings of a very different spirit - "the spirit that works in the children of disobedience!" He leads, by paths of unbelief and sin - to endless misery and ruin! Beloved reader, beware of following his leadings - and prayerfully yield your self to the guidance of the Spirit of truth and love.

"Show me Your ways, O Lord, teach me Your paths. Lead me in Your truth and teach me, for You are God my Saviour, and my hope is in You all day long." (Psalm 25:4:5).

Spirit of Truth, my Leader be,

And seal adoption mine; 

Impress Christ's image on my heart,

The pledge of bliss divine!

~Author Unknown~

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

I Met The Master

 I Met The Master

I had walked life's way with an easy tread,

Had followed where comforts and pleasures led;

And then one day in a quiet place,

I met the Master, face to face.

With station and rank and wealth for a goal;

Much thought for the body, but none for the soul

I had thought to win in life's mad race,

When I met the Master, face to face.

I met Him and knew Him and blushed to see

Those eyes full of sorrow were turned on me;

And I faltered and fell at His feet that day,

While all my castles melted away.

Melted and vanished, and in their place

I saw nought else, but the Master's face;

And I cried aloud, "Oh, make me meet

To follow the steps of the wounded feet.

And now my thoughts are for the souls of men;

I've lost my life, to find it again,

E'er since that day in a quiet place

I met the Master, face to face.

~Author Unknown~

Monday, November 23, 2020

The Cross

 The Cross

A symbol of my faith

That strengthens me each day

As I by God's grace

Walk the narrow way.

You see God's own Son

He gave His life for me

And took my debt of sin

To a place of Calvary.

I owe Him my life

And all I'll ever be

All He asks is that 

I'll let Him live through me.

So I run the race

Empowered by His grace

And give Him all the glory

As I look into His face.

Jesus is Lord!

Sunday, November 22, 2020

As Proud And Carnal As Ever!

 As Proud And Carnal As Ever!

Grace changes the heart!

"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!" (2 Corinthians 5:17).

The true Christian has a great change wrought. Not a change of the faculties - but of the tendencies. He is altered from what he was before. His body is the same - but not his mind. Oh what a metamorphosis does grace make!

There is a change wrought in the UNDERSTANDING. Before, there was ignorance - but now there is light. The first work of God in the creation of the world was light - likewise it is in the new creation. He now says, "I once was blind - but now I see!" (John 9:25). He sees such evil in sin, and excellency in the ways of God - as he never saw before! It is a marvelous light, because it is more penetrating. Other light may shine upon the face - but this light shines into the heart, and enlightens the conscience. (2 Cor. 4:6).

There is a change wrought in the WILL. The will, which before opposed Christ - now embraces Him. The will, which was an iron sinew against Christ - is now like melting wax, and readily receives the stamp and impression of the Holy Spirit. The will now moves heavenward - and carries all the affections along with it. The will now says, "Lord, what will you have me to do?" (Acts 9:6). Before, the will kept Christ out, now, it keeps sin out! Oh what a happy change is wrought here!

There is a change wrought in the CONDUCT. He who is saved, walks directly contrary to what he did before. He once walked in envy and malice - now he walks in love! He once walked in pride - now he walks in humility. In the heart there is a new birth - and in the life is a new conduct.

Thus we see what a mighty change grace makes.

How far they are from salvation, who never had any change! They are the same today - as they were forty or fifty years ago. They are as proud and carnal as ever! They have had no change in their heart. Let not them think to leap out of the harlot's lap (the world) into Abraham's bosom! They must either have a gracious change while they live - or a cursed change when they die!

~Thomas Watson~

Saturday, November 21, 2020

He Has A Healing Balm For All

 He Has A Healing Balm For All

"The Holy Spirit helps us in our distress." (Romans 8:26).

You cannot live without the Holy Spirit.

There cannot be  one heavenly aspiration, one breathing of love, one upward glance of faith without His gracious influence.

Apart from Him, there is no preciousness in the Word, no blessing in ordinances, no permanent, sanctifying results in affliction.

The Holy Spirit directs His people to the waters of comfort, gives new glory to the promises, and invests the Saviour's character and work, with new loveliness and beauty.

Come, then, with your affliction!

Come with your infirmity!

Come with your need!

Come with your wounded spirit!

Come with your broken heart!

Whatever, then, be your present situation, seek the promised help of the Holy Spirit. He has a healing balm for all - the weak, the tempted, the sick, the sorrowing, the bereaved, the dying.

"The Holy Spirit helps us in our distress." (Romans 8:26).

~John McDuff~

Friday, November 20, 2020

The Christian's Interpreter

 The Christian's Interpreter

The Word of God is the Christian's rule and the Spirit of God is the Christian's guide.

"All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness." (2 Timothy 3:16).

"But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes - He will guide you into all truth." (John 16:13).

Most people walk by false rules:

1, Some walk by popular opinions.

2. Some walk by worldly customs.

3. Some walk by providence.

4. Some walk by conscience.

5. Some walk by their own reason.

6. Some walk by other men's examples.

7. Some walk by their own lusts.

But, oh! my dear friends, let me beseech you to walk by none of these false rules, but keep close to the Word and Spirit of God.

The Scripture is a rule outside of us - to show us where we must go. The Spirit is the guide inside of us - to enable us to walk according to the direction of that Word.

The Word of God is a compass, by which we must direct our course. The Spirit is the great pilot, who steers us in this course.

We have no eyes to see the Word, until the Spirit enlightens them.

We have no ears to hear the Word, until the Spirit opens them. We have no hearts to obey the Word, until the Spirit bows and inclines them.

By the Word of God, we know the mind of the Spirit of God. And by the efficacy of the Spirit, we feel the power of the Word.

The Word of God shows us the way. And the Spirit of God leads us in that way which the Word points out.

The Spirit of God is able to expound the Word of God, and to make it plain to our understanding. The Holy Spirit is the Christian's interpreter; He gives the Scriptures, and he alone can reveal unto us the sense and meaning of the Scriptures.

The Word of God's counsel, to reveal the path in which we are to walk. The Spirit is God's Counselor, who teaches us to walk in that path.

If God had not put His Spirit into our hearts, as well as His Word into our heads - we would never have arrived at the fair haven of peace.

The Scriptures reveal the very heart of God. God Almighty has, in the sacred Scriptures, as it were, manifested Himself; unfolded all His counsel to the creatures, as far as is necessary to be known for their direction and guidance to everlasting life.

~William Dyer~

Thursday, November 19, 2020

A Whole Christ With A Whole Heart!

 A Whole Christ With A Whole Heart!

The terms upon which Christ is offered in the gospel are these: that we shall accept of a whole Christ with a whole heart. Now, mark - a whole Christ includes all His offices, and a whole heart includes all our faculties.

Christ as mediator, is prophet, priest, and King.

Christ as a prophet instructs us. Christ as a priest redeems us and intercedes for us. Christ as a King sanctifies and rules us.

A hypocrite may be willing to embrace Christ as a priest to save him from wrath, from the curse, from hell, from everlasting burning - but he is never sincerely willing to embrace Christ as a prophet to teach and instruct him, and as a king to rule and reign over him.

Many hypocrites are willing to embrace a saving Christ - but they are not willing to embrace a ruling Christ, a commanding Christ. "But those enemies of Mine who did not want Me to be king over them - bring here and kill them in front of Me!" (Luke 19:27).

Hypocrites love to share with Christ in His happiness - but they don't love to share with Christ in His holiness. They are willing to be redeemed by Christ - but they are not cordially willing to submit to the laws and government of Christ. They are willing to be saved by His blood - but they are not willing to submit to His scepter.

But a true Christian receives Christ in all His offices. He accepts Him, not only as a saving Jesus - but also as a Lord Jesus. He embraces Him, not only as a saving Christ - but also as a ruling Christ. He received Christ as a King upon His throne, as well as an atoning sacrifice upon His Cross.

A hypocrite is all for a saving Christ, for a sin-pardoning Christ, for a soul-saving Christ - but has no regard for a ruling Christ, a reigning Christ, a commanding Christ, a sanctifying Christ, and this at last will prove his damning sin!

~Thomas Brooks~

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Painted Holiness

 Painted Holiness

"Woe unto you, Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for you devour widows' houses, and for a pretense make long prayers; therefore you shall receive the greater damnation." (Matt. 23:14).

Who had a greater name for holiness, and who made a greater show of holiness, and who did more despise and insult other men for the lack of holiness - than the Scribes and Pharisees? And who so miserable now - as they?

Pretended holiness will double-damn souls at last!

None have so large a portion in hell as hypocrites have. No man at last will be found so miserable, as he who has the name of a saint upon him - but not the divine nature in him; who has a profession of holiness upon him - but no principles of holiness in him; a form of holiness upon him - but not the power; who can cry up godliness - but in practice denies it; who is a professor outwardly - but an atheist, a pagan, a devil inwardly.

Artificial sanctity is double iniquity! He who professes piety without being pious, and godliness without being godly; he who makes counterfeit holiness a cloak to impiety, and a midwife to iniquity.

Sirs, do not deceive your own souls! A painted sword shall as soon defend a man, and a painted fire shall as soon warm a man, and a painted friend shall as soon counsel a man, and a painted house shall as soon shelter a man - as a painted holiness shall save a man!

He who now thinks to put off God with a painted holiness, shall not fare so well at last - as to put off with a painted holiness. The lowest, the hottest, and the darkest habitation in hell will be his portion - whose religion lies all in shows and shadows.

Well, spiritual counterfeits, remember this - it will not be long before Christ will unmask you; before He will uncloak you; before He will disrobe you; before He will take off your masks, your cloaks, and turn your rotten insides outward - to your eternal shame and reproach before all the world!

~Thomas Brooks~

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Essential To Eminent Usefilness

 Essential To Eminent Usefulness

A revived church is the best hope of a lost world. A revived ministry the best hope of a dormant church.

Under a great show of outward profession, there is a lamentable deficiency of vital godliness in our churches. Much of the prevailing benevolence and activity of the church, are a mere substitute for spiritual religion - rather than the expression of vital godliness.

In our churches, it is easy to perceive how much more welcome is the "humorous" - than the serious; how much more anxious the audience is to be "entertained" - than to be edified; how much greater homage is paid to the "talent" of the preacher - than to his piety!

In fact, our public meetings sometimes assume rather the character of "religious amusements" - than pious worship!

It ought never to be forgotten that a church meeting, if rightly understood, is a company of people brought together to carry out the design for which the Son of God expired upon the Cross! Surely the frame of our minds, and the tone of the sermons, and the spirit and tendency of the whole worship service, ought to be in strict harmony with such a purpose. Yet many of our church meetings have rather lowered, than elevated the tone of our piety, and thus enfeebled our real strength for carrying on this great work.

Eminent piety is essential to eminent usefulness! It is eminent piety alone which will enable us to take a clear and impressive view of the object to be sought, and supply the energies necessary for obtaining it.

It is eminent piety alone which will purify our motives, and produce that spirit of profound humility, self-denial, dependence, and entire consecration - which are necessary to quality us for the work.

It is eminent piety alone which will keep up the spirit of faith and prayer, to which the divine promises are made. We must become more devout, more prayerful, more holy, more heavenly, and more spiritual!

~John Angell James~

Monday, November 16, 2020

Oh, How Dreadful The Thought - To go To Hell Through The Church Of God!

 Oh How Dreadful The Thought - To Go To Hell Through The Church Of God!

"A man had a fig tree planted in his vineyard, and he went to look for fruit on it - but did not find any. So he said to the man who took care of the vineyard: For three years now, I've been coming to look for fruit on this fig tree - and haven't found any. Cut it down! Why should it use up the soil!" (Luke 13:6-7).

Let us look at Christ's figure a little:

A fig tree - or a professor of the religion of Christ.

A fruitless fig tree - on a barren, useless professor.

A fig tree with leaves of profession - but not the fruit of holiness.

No place is as dangerous  for an unconverted person - as the church of God! It is to be feared that many join the church before they are truly converted; and yet very, very few are ever converted after.

Once under a profession - God expects you to live up to that profession. If you are planted in His vineyard - God expects you to bring forth fruit.

The owner of the vineyard comes and seeks fruit. He comes again, and again, and if He finds none, He passes this solemn sentence, "Cut it down! Why should it use up the soil!"

Concerning every fruitless professor God says, a"Cut it down! Why should it use up the soil! It drains the ground of its nourishment, for no good purpose. Labor is but lost upon it; expectation is is disappointed by it; therefore, Cut it down! My patience and forbearance are worn out; I have come three years seeking fruit - and find none; so, Cut it down!"

This command of God is fearful - it is full of terror - it includes utter destruction! This command is irresistible - we cannot evade it. This command is final! There is all that is dreadful wrapped up in it - even a certain, fearful expectation of God's judgment, and the raging fire that will consume His enemies!

The fruitless professor is to be cut down and committed to the eternal flames of hell! Here is wrath - fearful wrath! Here is justice - inflexible justice! Here is vengeance - the vengeance of an infinite God!

O fruitless professor...Consider! Fear! Tremble! Repent!

God looks for fruit from every professor. He will certainly punish if there is no fruit. The axe lies at your root, even now!

Divine mercy will soon urge her last plea; the year of reprieve will soon expire - and then, "Cut it down!" is all that remains! Oh how dreadful the thought - to go to hell through the church of God! To profess that you are traveling to heaven - when in reality you are going with the lost multitude to eternal perdition!

~James Smith~

Friday, November 13, 2020

The Religion Which I Want

 The Religion Which I Want

I am quite sick of modern religion it is such a mixture, such a medley, such a compromise. I find much, indeed of this religion in my own heart, for it suits the flesh - but I would not have it so, and grieve it should be so.

The religion which I want is that of the Holy Spirit.

I know nothing but what He teaches me.

I feel nothing but what He works in me.

I believe nothing but what He shows me. 

I only mourn when He smites my rocky heart.

I only rejoice when He reveals the Saviour.

This religion I am seeking after, though miles and miles from it - but no other will satisfy or content me.

When the blessed Spirit is not at work in me, and with me, I fall back into all the darkness, unbelief, earthliness, idleness, carelessness, infidelity, and helplessness of my Adam nature.

True religion is a supernatural and mysterious thing.

~J. C. Philpot~

Thursday, November 12, 2020

I Am Not What I Once Used To Be!

 I Am Not What I Once Used To Be!

"Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord." (Hebrews 12:14).

The truly regenerate man is a holy man. He endeavors to live according to God's will, to do the things that please God, to avoid the things that God hates.

His aim and desire is to love God with heart and soul, and mind and strength - and to love his neighbor as himself. His wish is to be continually looking to Christ as his Example as well as his Saviour, and to show himself Christ's friend, by obeying whatever He commands.

No doubt he is not perfect. None will tell you that sooner than himself. He groans under the burden of indwelling corruption cleaving to him. He finds an evil principle within him constantly warring against grace, and trying to draw him away from God. Yet, in spite of all short-comings, the average bent and bias of his ways is holy; his doings holy; his tastes holy and his habits holy.

In spite of all his swerving and turning aside, like a ship going against a contrary wind, the general course of his life is in one direction - toward God and for God. He will generally be able to say, with old John Newton, "I am not what I ought to be. I am not what I want to be. I am not what I hope to be in another world. But still, I am not what I once used to be! By the grace of God, I am what I am!"

"Let none conclude that they have no grace, because they have many imperfections in their obedience. Your grace may be very weak and imperfect, and yet you may be truly born again, and be a genuine son of God and heir of Heaven." 

~J. C. Ryle~

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Gracious God, Anoint Me With Fresh Oil!

 Gracious God, Anoint Me With Fresh Oil!

"I shall be anointed with fresh oil." (Psalm 92:10).

The work of the Holy Spirit in the heart, is of the greatest importance. Until we experience it, we are dead in sin. Having once enjoyed it, we often need its renewal. The work of the Holy Spirit in the heart is variously represented in God's Word, and is compared to a variety of things. In one place, to the reviving and refreshing influences of the dew. In another, to the quickening and fructifying effects of the shower. Again, the Psalmist sings, "I shall be anointed with fresh oil."

Oil is a common emblem of the Spirit, who is called "the anointing which you have received." This anointing represents His renewing, sanctifying, and saving operations, as received  and enjoyed by all God's people. This anointing consecrates them as God's kings, and they become the Lord's anointed. It qualifies them as God's priests, and they become a royal priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God, through Jesus Christ. This anointing beautifies them, as God's sons, causing their faces to shine, and filling them with joy and peace. This anointing perfumes them as God's favorites, and all their garments smell of myrrh, aloes, and cassia.

Without this anointing, we cannot reign as kings, officiate as priests, approach God as sons, or rejoice before Him as favorites.

The EFFECTS of this anointing are many, and very precious:

This anointing gives us fresh views of Christ, and every sight of Him endears Him more and more to our hearts. This anointing gives us a deeper experience of the truth, and we know more of its power, sweetness, and savor. This anointing gives us more power in prayer, and we plead with God and prevail. This anointing gives us sweeter enjoyment of ordinances, for we see more of Christ in them. This anointing gives us stronger confidence in God, so that we conquer our doubt and fears, and can trust God in the dark. This anointing gives a delightful savor to our conversation, so that we not only speak of Christ with freedom, and pleasure - but there is savor and a power in what we say. This anointing preserves us from falling into temptation. Nothing will raise us above the world, give us power over flesh, or make us a match for satan - like being anointed with fresh oil.

We are regenerated but once - but we may receive the renewings of the Holy Spirit often, and unless we receive these renewings, we shall become dry, barren, lifeless, and cold. We should ardently desire the fresh anointing of the Spirit. He is as necessary to our souls, as the vital air is to our bodies. We should earnestly pray to "be fully filled with the Spirit," that we may live in the Spirit and walk in the Spirit.

Gracious God, anoint me with fresh oil!

We sometimes say, "beware of a religion without Christ." It is of quite as much importance to say, "beware of a religion without the Holy Spirit."

Reader, are you one of God's anointed ones? Have you received an unction from the Holy One? Does the Spirit of God dwell in you? Beware, O beware, of a religion without the Holy Spirit! If the Holy Spirit is in you, He will daily teach you your need of Christ, bring you to Chrtist, make Christ precious to you, and lead you to glory in Him, and in Him alone.

~James Smith~

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Growing Worse?

 Growing Worse?

One of the last lessons we effectually learn, is that true godliness is a constant conflict in a believer's heart between sin and holiness.

Some sincere believers mistake a clearer view and deeper sense of their depravity, for an actual increase of sin. The Christian seems sometimes to himself, to be growing worse, when actually it is only that he sees more clearly what in fact he really is!

In the early stages of our Christian life, we have usually but a slender acquaintance with the evil of our sinfulness and the depravity of our heart. The mind is so much taken up with pardon and eternal life, that it is but imperfectly acquainted with those depths of deceit and wickedness which lie hidden in itself.

At first we seem to feel as if the serpent were killed. But we soon find that he was only asleep - for by the warmth of some fiery temptation, he is revived and hisses at us again!

Nothing astonishes an inexperienced believer more than the discoveries he is continually making of the evils of his heart. Corruptions which he never dreamed to be in him, are brought out by some new circumstances.

It is like turning up the soil, which brings out worms and insects, which did not appear upon the surface.

Or to vary the illustration, his increasing knowledge of God's holy nature, of the perfect law, and the example of Christ - is like opening the shutters, and letting the light into a dark room, the filth of which, the inhabitant did not see until the sunbeams disclosed it to him.

~John Angell James~

Monday, November 9, 2020

Do Not Grieve The Holy Spirit!

 Do Not Grieve The Holy Spirit!

"Do you not know that you yourselves are God's temple and that God's Spirit lives in you?" (1 Corinthians 3:16).

"Do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption." (Ephesians 4:30).

See how great is the sin of grieving the Holy Spirit.

We grieve Him, when we take little or no notice of His amazing condescension and love - in coming freely and willingly to be our Comforter and Sanctifier.

We grieve Him, when we make no returns of love to Him - by bringing forth in a holy walk and conduct, the fruits of the Spirit.

We grieve Him, when by careless neglect and unwatchfulness, we fall into those habits and courses which He abhors.

He is grieved, because He loves us and has our happiness much at heart - for to promote our holiness and happiness is the object of His indwelling us. When we put obstructions in His way, and we promote our own misery - how is the Spirit of love grieved!

Let us therefore, above all things, attend to His motions, and beware of a barren and unfruitful profession of religion, and of defiling by secret indulgences - the temple and habitation of the Spirit.

Shall we grieve Him who dwells with us as our Comforter? How unworthy - how base a conduct! Shall we, who have tasted that the Lord is gracious - by our negligence, sin and folly, grieve Him who has come on purpose to comfort us?

Shall we grieve Him, without whom we cannot live, cannot think one good thought, nor breathe one good desire!

Shall we grieve Him, whose presence in the soul is Heaven, and whose absence is a hell of corruption, darkness, and misery!

Is it possible that we should make such base returns for such love, and be such enemies to our own happiness!

Alas, what is man! In what dust and ashes ought even the best of us to lie down before Him!

Shall we not rather take notice of His love and His kindness, and thankfully receive all our comforts from His hands, and observe His love and grace in every refreshing thought put into our minds?

Yes, shall we not carefully watch and promote all His strivings and motions within us, and cheerfully comply with them, however self-denying and contrary to flesh and blood? 

When He convicts of sin - let us set our hearts mightily against it. When He speaks comfort - let us hear Him as the Lord our Comforter, making known the riches of love and grace to our souls.

~Thomas Charles~

Friday, November 6, 2020

We Soon Grow Dull, Cold, Lifeless, and Inactive!

 We Soon Grow Dull, Cold, Lifeless and Inactive!

"It is the Holy Spirit who quickens; the flesh profits nothing." (John 6:63).

All real religion begins with the quickening of the Spirit. When we experience this we begin to breathe after spiritual things; we open our eyes in a new world; we hunger and thirst after righteousness; and at length taste that the Lord is gracious.

We then have new thoughts, new desires, new hopes, new fears, new joys, and new sorrows.

The eye fixed on Christ, the heart goes out to Christ, and the chief desire of the soul is to be like Christ.

The Holy Spirit not only quickens us at first - but all through life we need and are dependent on the Spirit's quickening. He quickens us to pray, and He quickens us in prayer. It is His quickening which puts life into our graces, energy into our prayers, confidence into our expectations, and enables us to resist satan, steadfast in faith.

If His quickening power is withheld - we soon grow dull, cold, lifeless, and inactive! We have no power in prayer, no enjoyment in ordinances, no liberty in speaking to the saints, nor profit in reading God's Word.

Every duty becomes a task, every privilege a burden, and every cross appears insupportable!

While under the quickening operation of the Spirit - we can do all things; but without His quickening - we can do nothing.

Often, very often, have we to cry out from bitter experience, "My soul cleaves unto the dust; quicken me according unto Your Word!" (Psalm 119:25).

Quickening Spirit daily quicken my soul!

~James Smith~

Thursday, November 5, 2020

The Most Lovely Christian

 The Most Lovely Christian

"Learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart." (Matt. 11:29). Learn humility from Christ's humility.

For lack of humility, some angels became devils. Proud sinners are fit companions, for none but proud devils.

When men glory in their pride, God stains the pride of their glory. "The Lord Almighty planned it, to stain the pride of all glory, and to humble all who are renowned on the earth." (Isaiah 23:9).

The most lowly Christian, is the most lovely Christian. A believer is like a vessel in the sea: the more it fills, the more it sinks.

None live so humble on earth, as those who live highest in Heaven. See how one of the best saints looks upon himself as one of the least of saints, "Unto me who am less than the least of all saints," said the great Paul in Ephesians 3:8.

The most holy men, are always the most lowly men. The coat of humility, should always be worn on the back of Christianity. "Clothe yourselves with humility." (1 Peter 5:5).

If you do not keep pride out of your soul, and your soul out of pride - pride will keep your soul out of Heaven. "God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble."

Revelation 4:10, "The twenty-four elders fall down before the throne, and cast down their crowns before Him who sits on the throne." The only way of keeping our crowns on our heard, is the casting them down at Christ's feet.

Alas, sirs, what are you proud of? Are you proud of your riches, of your honors, of your relations, of your beauty, of your strength? Alas, alas! these are poor base things to boast in. Oh, go to the graves of those who have died before you. Are not their bones scattered, their flesh consumed. Are they all gone as a dream!

And where will you be before long? And will you be proud of these things?

"I hate pride and arrogance." (Proverbs 8:13).

"He is able to humble those who walk in pride." (Daniel 4:37).

~William Dyer~

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

The Workings Of Grace In The Heart

 The Workings Of Grace In The Heart

"The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit." (John 3:8).

The workings of grace in the heart are utterly mysterious and unsearchable.

We cannot explain why the Word produces effects on one person in a congregation, and not upon another.

We cannot explain why, in some cases; with every possible advantage, and in spite of every entreaty; people reject the Word, and continue dead in trespasses and sins.

We cannot explain why in other cases; with every possible difficulty, and with no encouragement; people are born again, and become decided Christians.

We cannot define the manner in which the Spirit of God conveys life to a soul, and the exact process by which a believer receives a new nature.

All these things are hidden to us.

We see certain results, but we can go no further.

This is deeply instructive. It is humbling no doubt to ministers, and teachers of others. The highest abilities, the most powerful preaching, the most diligent working, cannot command success.

God alone can give spiritual life.

But it is a truth at the same time, which supplies an admirable antidote to excessive anxiety and despondency. Our principle work is to sow the seed. That done, we may wait with faith and patience for the result. We may leave our work with the Lord. He alone can, if He thinks fit, give success.

~J. C. Ryle~

Monday, November 2, 2020

He Puts Us In Our Right Place!

 He Puts Us In Our Right Place!

"When He comes, He will convict the world about sin, righteousness, and judgment." (John 16:8).

All who have the Holy Spirit are convinced by Him of sin. 

He alone can open a man's eyes to the real extent of his guilt and corruption before God. He always does this when He comes into the soul. He puts us in our right place! He shows us the vileness of our own hearts, and makes us cry with the publican, "God be merciful to me a sinner!" He pulls down those proud, self-righteous, self-justifying notions with which we are all born - and makes us feel as we ought to feel - "I am a sinful man, and I deserve to be in hell!"

Sin is no more pleasant to those who are taught by the Spirit. It is their sorrow when tempted by it. It is their shame when they are overtaken by it. Their desire is to be free from it altogether. Their happiest times are when they are enabled to walk most closely with God. Their saddest times are when they are furthest off from Him.

"When He comes, He will convict the world about sin, righteousness, and judgment." (John 16:8).

~J. C. Ryle~

Sunday, November 1, 2020

The Scriptures Are Sufficient

 The Scriptures Are Sufficient

"All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness - so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work." (2 Timothy 3:16-17).

The Scriptures are sufficient to inform the ignorant, to confute the erroneous, to reform the wicked, and to guide and direct, support and comfort - the godly.

Here a lamb may wade - and here an elephant may swim!

Here is the milk for babes - and meat for strong men!

Here is comfort for the afflicted, and support for the tempted, and ease for the troubled, and light for the clouded, and enlargement for the straitened.

Oh, how full of light, how full of life, how full of love, how full of sweetness, how full of goodness, how full of righteousness, how full of holiness - is every chapter, and every verse in every chapter, yes, and every line in every verse!

No humble writings are comparable to Scripture for antiquity; for rarity; for variety; for brevity; for plainness; for harmony; for verity.

All which should greatly encourage Christians, to a serious perusal of them. "Oh, how I love Your law! I meditate on it all day long!" (Psalm 119:97).

~Thomas Brooks~