Thursday, December 10, 2020

The Mariner's Chart As He Sails The Sea Of Life!

 The Mariner's Chart As He Sails The Sea Of Life!

The Bible is a book which calls not so much for the exertion of our intellect - as it does for the exercise of our affections, conscience and will. God has given His Word to us not for our entertainment, but for our education - to make known what He requires from us. It is to be the traveler's guide as he journeys through the maze of this world, and the mariner's chart as he sails the sea of life.

Therefore, whenever we open the Bible, the all-important consideration for each of us to keep before him is: "What is here for me today? What bearing does the passage now before me have upon my present case and circumstances - what warning, what encouragement, what information? What instruction is there to direct me in the management of my business, to guide me in the ordering of my domestic and social affairs, to promote a closer walking with God?"

I should see myself addressed in every precept - and included in every promise.

But it is greatly to be feared that, through failure to appropriate God's Word unto our own case and circumstances - there is much Bible reading and study which is of little or no real benefit to the soul.

Nothing else will secure us from the pollutions of this world, deliver from the temptations of satan, and be so effectual a preservative from sin - as the Word of God received into our affections. "The law of his God is in his heart - none of his steps shall slide." (Psalm 37:31) can only be said of the one who has made personal appropriation of the Word, and is able to say with the Psalmist, "Your Word have I hid in my heart, that I might not sin against You." (119:11).

Just so long as the Word is actually working in us, influencing us in a practical way, loved and revered by us, and stirs the conscience - are we kept from falling into open sin!

And only as we personally go out and daily gather our portion of manna, and feed upon the same - will there be strength provided for the performing of duty and the bringing forth of fruit to the glory of God.

~A. W. Pink~

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