Friday, December 4, 2020

A Silver Vein Of Sanctity

 A Silver Vein Of Sanctity

"In that day shall there be upon the bridles of the horses, Holiness unto the Lord. Yes, every pot in Jerusalem and in Judah shall be holiness unto the Lord Almighty." (Zech. 14:20-21).

Here is holiness written upon the bridles of the horses they ride on, and upon the cups and pots they drink with. A holy heart will be holy in the use of common things. Every piece of his life shall savor of sanctity; and in all the parts of his every day life, you shall be able to discern something of the power of true religion.

He who is truly holy - will be holy in the use of earthly and common things, as well as in the use of spiritual and heavenly things. He will be spiritual in the use of mundane things; and heavenly in the use of earthly things. There is a silver vein of sanctity which runs through all his worldly concernments. If you look upon him in his eating and drinking - you shall find him holy.. If you look upon him in his buying and selling - you shall find him holy. He is holy in his commerce, and holy in his converse. Holiness is written upon his dealings with others, and upon his behavior towards his family and friends. Whatever he puts his hand to in his home - has holiness written upon it.

A holy man makes a Jacob's badder of all his earthly enjoyments. All the comforts in his home, lead him on in a way of holiness, and lead him up to a holy God. Look upon a holy man in the use of earthly things - and you shall find him holy. Look upon him in his recreations - and you shall find him holy. The habitual frame and bent of his heart is to be holy in every earthly thing which he puts his hand unto. A spirit of holiness runs and shines in all the common actions of his life.

But for the false professor - all his religion, all his holiness, lies in a few religious duties! Take him out of these, and you shall find him as carnal, as vain, as foolish, as filthy and as frothy, as light and as slight - as those who have not so much as a clock of holiness upon them!

Look! as an unholy heart is carnal in spiritual things, and earthly in heavenly things, and unholy in holy things - just so, a man who is truly holy - he is as well holy in the ordinary affairs and actions of this life, as he is holy in any of the exercises of piety.

"So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do - do it all for the glory of God." (1 Corinthians 10:31).

~Thomas Brooks~

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