Thursday, December 17, 2020

An Unerring Chart By Which To Steer Through The Dangerous Sea Of Life!

 An Unerring Chart By Which To Steer Through The Dangerous Sea Of Life!

God has placed His Word in our hands for an intensely practical purpose - namely, to direct our walk and to regulate our deportment. The primary purpose for which God gave the Scriptures, is to make a practical use of them - ordering the details of our lives by its rules and regulations.

"Your Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." (Psalm 119:105). The metaphor used here is taken from a man walking along a dangerous road on a dark night, in urgent need of a lantern to show him where to walk safely and comfortably, to avoid injury and destruction.

God, in His infinite condescension and transcendent grace, has given us His Word for this very purpose, so that we need not stumble along blindly, ignorant of what pleases or displeases Him - but that we might know His mind. That divine Word is not given to us simply for information, but to regulate our conduct, to enlighten our minds, and to mold our hearts.

The Word supplies us with an unerring chart by which to steer through the dangerous sea of life. If we sincerely and diligently follow, it will deliver us from disastrous rocks and submerged reefs - and direct us safely to the heavenly harbor. That Word has all the instructions we need for every problem, and every trouble we may be called upon to face. That Word has been given to us "that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work." (2 Timothy 3:17). How thankful we should be, that God has favored us with such a Word!

This world is a dark place, and it is only as we take heed to the Word, to the light God has given us, that we shall be able to perceive and avoid "the broad road which leads to destruction," and discern the narrow way which alone "leads unto eternal life."

Our first duty, and our first aim, must be to take up the Scriptures to ascertain what is God's revealed will for us - what are the paths He forbids us to walk, what are the ways pleasing in His sight.

The Scriptures are not given us, primarily, for our intellectual gratification, nor for emotional admiration, but for life's regulation. Nor are the precepts and commands, the warnings and encouragements contained therein, simply for our information. They are to be reduced to practice - they require unqualified obedience. He who treasures the divine precepts in his heart, and diligently seeks to walk by their rule, will escape those evils which destroy his fellows.

~A. W. Pink~

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

The Babylonian Books Of The Present Day!

 The Babylonian Books Of The Present Day!

The history of that human ignorance which calls itself "philosophy", is absolutely identical with the history of fools! If ones were to write the history of folly, he would have to give several chapters to philosophy, and those chapters would be more revealing than any others.

Beware of the Babylonian books of the present day! The truth of God is the only treasure for which we seek, and the Scripture is the only field in which we dig for it! If you keep close to the inspired book, you can suffer no harm; you are at the fountain-head of all moral and spiritual good. This is fit food for the people of God - this is the bread which nourishes the highest life.

The prayerful study of the Word is not only a means of instruction - but an act of devotion wherein the transforming power of grace is often exercised, changing us into the image of Christ, of whom the Word is a mirror.

Within the  Scripture, there is a balm for every wound, a slave for every sore. Oh, the wondrous power in the Scripture to create a heart of hope, within the ribs of despair! Amidst sharp and strong temptations, and fierce and bitter trials, the Word of the Lord has preserved us. Amidst discouragements which damped our hopes, and disappointments which wounded our hearts, our Bibles have brought us a secret, unconquerable consolation.

There is no true doctrine which has not been fruitful in good works. Payson wisely said, "If there is one fact, one doctrine, or promise in the Bible, which has produced no practical effect upon your temper or conduct - be assured that you do not truly believe it!"

The doctrines of grace produce a fine morality, a stern integrity, a delicate purity, a devout holiness, consecration in life, calm resignation in the hour of suffering, joyful confidence in the article of death. This must be a true gospel - which can produce such lives as these!

~Charles Spurgeon~

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

What Stupid Blockheads!

 What Stupid Blockheads!

"Are you still so dull?" Jesus asked them. (Matt.15:16).

What lessons we need day by day to teach us anything aright, and how it is for the most part "line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little." O what slow learners! what dull, forgetful scholars! what ignoramuses! what stupid blockheads! what stubborn pupils!

Surely no scholar at a school, old or young, could learn so little of natural things as we seem to have learned of spiritual things after so many years instruction, so many chapters read, so many sermons heard, so many prayers put up, so much talking about religion.

How small, how weak is the amount of growth compared with all we have read and heard and talked about!

But it is a mercy that the Lord saves whom He will save, and that we are saved by free grace, and free grace alone!

~Joseph Philpot~

Monday, December 14, 2020

Altogether Lovely!

 Altogether Lovely!

"Yes, He is altogether lovely! This is my Beloved, and this is my Friend!" (Song of Solomon 5:16).

Why does the world reject the wondrous Saviour? Why do they abhor Him who is altogether lovely, and hate Him who is the best Friend of sinners?

O men of the world! what good can you desire which is not in Christ? The excellencies of earth are but His footstool; the excellencies of Heaven are but His throne! How excellent, then, must He Himself be!

His treasures are infinite - and open for you!

In Jesus are riches, honor, friendship, help, mercy, joy, protection, deliverance, life, and all things - if you have nothing at all.

Time and eternity are His - and He can give you all the glorious things of eternity!

Moreover, He can deliver you from all your fears; from sin, from self, from death, from satan, from hell, and from wrath to come. Now, where will you find such a one as Jesus?

Why, then, refuse life, and seek after death and damnation?

All Heaven is enamored with His beauty!

The longer we look on created gaieties, the leaner and less lovely they grow; so that by the time we have viewed them forty, fifty, or sixty years - we see nothing but vanity in the creature! But when ten thousand ages are employed in beholding the perfection of beauty of Jesus - He still appears more and more lovely - even altogether lovely!

Alas! I can say nothing of His true excellencies! They overwhelm my laboring thought, and are too vast for my feeble conception to bring forth!

~James Meikle~

Friday, December 11, 2020

We Have Need To Use This Prayer At All Times!

 We Have Need To Use This Prayer At All Times!

"Do not forsake me, O Lord! Do not be far from me, O my God!" (Psalm 38:21).

Frequently we pray that God would not forsake us in the hour of trial and temptation - but we too much forget that we have need to use this prayer at all times. There is no moment of our life, however holy - in which we can do without His constant upholding. Whether in light or in darkness, in communion or in temptation - we alike need the prayer, "Do not forsake me, O Lord!" "Hold me up - and I shall be safe!"

A little child, while learning to walk - always needs the parents aid. The ship left by the navigator - drifts at once from her course. We cannot do without continuous aid from God!

Let this be your prayer every day:

"Do not forsake me, O Lord! Do not be far from me, O my God!

Father, do not forsake Your child - lest he fall by the hand of the enemy.

Shepherd, do not forsake Your lamb - lest he wander from the safety of the fold.

Great Gardener, do not forsake Your tender plant - lest it withere and die!

Do not forsake me now, O Lord! And do not forsake me at any moment of my life.

Do not forsake me in my joys - lest they absorb my heart. Do not forsake me in my sorrows - lest I murmur against You. Do not forsake me - for without You I am weak, but with You I am strong.

Do not forsake me - for I cannot travel without Your guidance.

Do not forsake me, O Lord! Do not be far from me, O God of my salvation!"

~Charles Spurgeon~

Thursday, December 10, 2020

The Mariner's Chart As He Sails The Sea Of Life!

 The Mariner's Chart As He Sails The Sea Of Life!

The Bible is a book which calls not so much for the exertion of our intellect - as it does for the exercise of our affections, conscience and will. God has given His Word to us not for our entertainment, but for our education - to make known what He requires from us. It is to be the traveler's guide as he journeys through the maze of this world, and the mariner's chart as he sails the sea of life.

Therefore, whenever we open the Bible, the all-important consideration for each of us to keep before him is: "What is here for me today? What bearing does the passage now before me have upon my present case and circumstances - what warning, what encouragement, what information? What instruction is there to direct me in the management of my business, to guide me in the ordering of my domestic and social affairs, to promote a closer walking with God?"

I should see myself addressed in every precept - and included in every promise.

But it is greatly to be feared that, through failure to appropriate God's Word unto our own case and circumstances - there is much Bible reading and study which is of little or no real benefit to the soul.

Nothing else will secure us from the pollutions of this world, deliver from the temptations of satan, and be so effectual a preservative from sin - as the Word of God received into our affections. "The law of his God is in his heart - none of his steps shall slide." (Psalm 37:31) can only be said of the one who has made personal appropriation of the Word, and is able to say with the Psalmist, "Your Word have I hid in my heart, that I might not sin against You." (119:11).

Just so long as the Word is actually working in us, influencing us in a practical way, loved and revered by us, and stirs the conscience - are we kept from falling into open sin!

And only as we personally go out and daily gather our portion of manna, and feed upon the same - will there be strength provided for the performing of duty and the bringing forth of fruit to the glory of God.

~A. W. Pink~

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

He Is The Infinite, Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent, Gracious, Just, Holy, And Unchangeable I Am!

 He Is The Infinite, Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent, Gracious, Just, Holy, And Unchangeable I Am!

"Having loved His own who were in the world - He loved them unto the end!" (John 1:3-1).

The Lord Jesus Christ is God - possessed of all divine attributes, and entitled to all divine honors. He is one with the Father and the Holy Spirit - God over all, and blessed for evermore! He is naturally, essentially, perfectly, and eternally possessed of everything peculiar to Deity.

He owes His existence to none. He says, "I am Jehovah, and beside Me there is no Saviour!" He is God - and there is no other. There is no other name given under Heaven, or among men, whereby we can be saved. He is the Rock of Ages. He is the infinite, omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, gracious, just, holy, and unchangeable I Am!"

Angels worship Him, devils obey Him, saints love Him, and sinners will bow to Him!

He is the Author of Creation, Providence, Redemption, and Glorification!

He produced all things by His power, formed them by His wisdom, supplies them by His bounty, rules them by His instruments, and employs them according to His sovereign will.

He is above all - in the glory of His nature.

He possesses all - by essential right. He will judge all - according to His righteousness.

All things are dependent upon Him, and all rational beings are accountable to Him.

Nothing can escape His eye; none can escape out of His hand!

He is the King of kings, the Lord of lords, and the only supreme Law-giver of the universe!

He is naturally, essentially, and eternally God; one with the Father, equal to the Father; and infinite as the Father.

Thus the Scriptures reveal Him; as such, saints acknowledge Him, and join the angelic host in worshiping, praising, and adoring Him! 

As such, He loves all His people. As such, they love Him - and trust their eternal interests into his hands!

He is all-loving - and altogether lovely!

"Yes, He is altogether lovely! This is my Beloved, this is my Friend!" (Song of Solomon 5:16).

~James Smith~

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Without Supplies Of Grace From Christ

 Without Supplies Of Grace From Christ

Jehovah is emphatically called the God of all grace, the Father of mercies, the God of all comfort, the God of peace, the God of hope, the God of salvation. All of these titles are full of comfort, and are calculated to inspire our souls with love, gratitude, and pleasure.

"And God is able to make all grace abound to you - so that in all things at all times, having all that you need - you will abound in every good work!" (2 Corinthians 9:8).

All grace dwells in God - and flows freely from Him. He is glorified in the communications of His grace to the most unworthy. You have received a little - He is able to make all of His grace abound toward you. The aboundings of His grace will produce strong faith, great patience, deep humility, holy contentment, ardent love, joyful hope, warm zeal, Scriptural courage, and spiritual fortitude.

It is divine grace which first quickened us to feel our lost state; led us to Jesus; gives us a good hope; conquers our corruptions; enables us to act for the Lord's glory.

In reference to all these things - you feel miserably deficient; you cannot produce them. But God can make His grace abound to you. He can give you a sufficiency of grace to support you under every trial, to strengthen you under every burden, to qualify you for every duty, and to fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope, by the power of the Holy Spirit.

You have perhaps set about doing good works - and have found yourself unable to perform them. You feel ashamed of what you have done; you have condemned yourself, and perhaps have given way to fear and despondency. Good works can only be performed through grace received from the Lord.

Without God's grace - the wisest miscarry. With grace - the most simple succeed!

We can only serve God rightly - when we serve Him with His own grace.

You are not sufficient of yourself so much as to think a good thought! Without supplies of grace from Christ - you can do nothing to please Him.

There is no good work, but you may perform it - if you receive God's grace!

There is no sin, but you may fall into - if you trust to yourself, and neglect the supplies of grace.

God invites you to His throne of grace. He promises you a supply. He is able to make all grace to abound toward you. He is the God of all grace - and until He changes in His nature, forfeits His Word, or refuses to give - you have no ground of complaint or despondency.

Through many dangers, toils, and snares,

I have already come;

'Tis grace has brought me safe thus far,

And grace will lead me home!

~James Smith~

Monday, December 7, 2020

The More I See Of Jesus

 The More I See Of Jesus

"My ears had heard of You, but now my eyes have seen You! Therefore I despise myself and repent in dust and ashes." (Job 42:5-6).

The more I see of Jesus, the more He opens to me His loving heart - the deeper is my sorrow for sin. I lie down in the dust at His feet closer than ever I did before. I can truly say I abhor myself in dust and ashes before Him. My heart seems ready to melt into contrition in view of the ten thousand thousand sins, willful and aggravating - that I have committed against Him who loved me with an everlasting love, and with loving kindness drew me to Himself.

So eternal and deep, so sovereign and boundless is the love of Jesus, that angels cannot fathom it! He is nothing but sincere, constant, and unabating love - to the weakest, the most unworthy of all His little flock.

I feel such a weariness of this world that nothing here gives me anything more than a momentary, passing pleasure - and it is gone at a glance.

Oh, to have such a Friend as Jesus, who feels all our sorrows, carries all our burdens, and has promised to bring us safely through this trying world, and place us at last at His own right hand, where neither sickness nor sorrow shall ever come!

Oh for Heaven! Nothing else will satisfy my longing soul, but the sight of Him it loves.

Jesus is all in all to me, and He will be all in all through eternity!

Praise the Lord, O my soul; all my inmost being, praise His holy name!

~Mary Winslow~

Sunday, December 6, 2020

A Christian's Glory Is In Christ

 A Christian's Glory Is In Christ

Trouble looks back, worry looks forward, and faith looks up!


The only glory in us is the measure of Christ in us.


When it is sunshine - I thank God;

When it rains - I thank God;

When I have plenty - I thank God;

When I am hungry - I thank God.

Since God's will is my will and whatever pleases God pleases me - I am never unhappy!

Friday, December 4, 2020

A Silver Vein Of Sanctity

 A Silver Vein Of Sanctity

"In that day shall there be upon the bridles of the horses, Holiness unto the Lord. Yes, every pot in Jerusalem and in Judah shall be holiness unto the Lord Almighty." (Zech. 14:20-21).

Here is holiness written upon the bridles of the horses they ride on, and upon the cups and pots they drink with. A holy heart will be holy in the use of common things. Every piece of his life shall savor of sanctity; and in all the parts of his every day life, you shall be able to discern something of the power of true religion.

He who is truly holy - will be holy in the use of earthly and common things, as well as in the use of spiritual and heavenly things. He will be spiritual in the use of mundane things; and heavenly in the use of earthly things. There is a silver vein of sanctity which runs through all his worldly concernments. If you look upon him in his eating and drinking - you shall find him holy.. If you look upon him in his buying and selling - you shall find him holy. He is holy in his commerce, and holy in his converse. Holiness is written upon his dealings with others, and upon his behavior towards his family and friends. Whatever he puts his hand to in his home - has holiness written upon it.

A holy man makes a Jacob's badder of all his earthly enjoyments. All the comforts in his home, lead him on in a way of holiness, and lead him up to a holy God. Look upon a holy man in the use of earthly things - and you shall find him holy. Look upon him in his recreations - and you shall find him holy. The habitual frame and bent of his heart is to be holy in every earthly thing which he puts his hand unto. A spirit of holiness runs and shines in all the common actions of his life.

But for the false professor - all his religion, all his holiness, lies in a few religious duties! Take him out of these, and you shall find him as carnal, as vain, as foolish, as filthy and as frothy, as light and as slight - as those who have not so much as a clock of holiness upon them!

Look! as an unholy heart is carnal in spiritual things, and earthly in heavenly things, and unholy in holy things - just so, a man who is truly holy - he is as well holy in the ordinary affairs and actions of this life, as he is holy in any of the exercises of piety.

"So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do - do it all for the glory of God." (1 Corinthians 10:31).

~Thomas Brooks~

Thursday, December 3, 2020

The New Birth!

 The New Birth!

"You have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and abiding Word of God!" (1 Peter 1:2).

No one is born a Christian. No one comes into the world with a pure heart.

The new birth is not effected by baptism - yet some have wickedly declared that we are regenerated by baptism, made children of God, and heirs of the kingdom of Heaven. A person may be baptized in infancy or in riper years - and yet, like Simon Magus, remain "in the gall of bitterness and in the bond of iniquity!" (Acts 8:23).

The new birth is not merely external, nor does it consist in mere religious duties. Some people have been preserved from immoralities, yet they too must be born again.

A man may perform a multitude of religious duties - and yet have an unholy heart. He may be honest and fair in his dealings - and yet be an enemy to God. He may be of a generous to others - and yet not of a gracious disposition. He may be able to say with the young ruler, "All these things have I kept from my youth up," and yet lack the one thing needful.

The new birth is not merely a profession of faith. Not all who profess Christ, posses Him.

The new birth is a change wrought by the power of the Holy Spirit in the understanding, will, and affections of a sinner, which is the commencement of a new kind of life; and which gives another direction to his judgment, desires, pursuits, and conduct.

This new birth is a divine change. Thus He who gave man his physical being at first, can alone create him in Christ Jesus unto good works. He alone can enstamp His own image, and make us partakers of a Divine nature. To give life to the dead, and to bring a clean thing out of an unclean - is the work of Omnipotence, and the effect of sovereign grace! "Who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God!" (John 1:13).

The new birth is an inward and invisible change. This new birth is a universal change, extending to the heart and life. "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come!" (2 Cor. 5:17).

He who is born again, gives evidence that he has passed from death to life. It is visible in his conduct. How different now; from what he once was! He hates sin, enjoys brotherly love, delights in spiritual duties, live a life of holiness; he is self-loathing, and sincerely loves Christ with a passion!

~William Nicholson~

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

That I Might Know Christ

 That I Might Know Christ

"That I might know Christ, and the power of His resurrection - That I might know Christ and the power of my resurrection in Him."

You have only one task today: GIVE TO SOMEONE. It doesn't matter who they are, just give to them and notice your spirit. Give to them gladly, out of your abundance, which has no limit. Give to them without thought of your loss, knowing now that you can't suffer any real loss. Give to a charity, give to a church. Dig a well for those who thirst for water.

But don't just give materially. Offer love and peace from your heart. And don't give to only one. Give to your wife, your husband, your children, your enemy, your coworker, your neighbor, adn expect nothing in return. Give a kind word and notice. Give a smile. When you enter a store, go there to give love, even for five seconds.

Give today and expect nothing in return. Give and notice the joy you feel, then know you are receiving already, because giving is receiving.

In this way you align with the truth that your experience in the life is not defined by what you receive but by what you give. If you look to receive you only agree with the deception that you are lacking. In giving you are aligning with eternal life.

~Author Unknown~

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

An Infallible Test!

 An Infallible Test!

"If anyone does not love the Lord - a curse be on him!"

If you truly love the Lord Jesus Christ - then you earnestly study and endeavor to please Him by a life of universal obedience. Love is always desirous to please the person beloved; and it will naturally lead to a conduct that is pleasing. This, then, you may be sure of, that if you truly love Jesus - then it is the labor of your life to please Him.

The only way to please Jesus, and the best test of your love to Him - is obedience to His commandments. This is made the decisive mark by Christ Himself: "If anyone loves Me - he will obey My teaching. He who does not love Me - will not obey My teaching." (John 14:23, 24).

Jesus repeats this theme over and over in different forms: "Whoever has My commands and obeys them - he is the one who loves Me," (verse 21). "If you love Me - you will obey what I command," (verse 15). "You are My friends - if you do what I command." (John 15:14). It is the surest evidence, and the natural, inseparable effect of our love to God, "that we obey His commands. And His commands are not burdensome." (1 John 5:3); that is, they will not seem grievous to one who obeys them from the principle of love.

Here, then, you who profess to love the Lord Jesus - here is an infallible test for your love! Do you make it the great aim of your life to keep his commands? Do you honestly endeavor to perform every duty which He has required. And do you vigorously resist and struggle against every sin? And is the way of obedience pleasant to you? Would you choose this holy way to Heaven, rather than any other - if it were left to your choice?

Your not loving God - if it continues, will certainly lead you to hell. You are fit for no other place! Enmity to God is the grand constituent of a devil - it is the worst ingredient in that infernal disposition. And what do you think will become of you? Judge for yourselves - must you not be doomed to that everlasting fire, which was prepared for the devil and his angels - whom you resemble?

"If anyone does not love the Lord - a curse be on him!" (1 Corinthians 16:22).

~Samuel Davies~