Wednesday, September 2, 2020

The Golden Key That Lets Us Into Paradise!

 The Golden Key That Lets Us Into Paradise!

See what great love Christ bore to His people!

"He was pierced for our transgressions. He was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon Him, and by His wounds we are healed!" (Isaiah 53:5).

Christ's Cross is the golden key that lets us into paradise!

His red blood washed away our crimson sins!

Oh precious blood!

it redeems us,

it cleanses us,

it justifies us, 

it sanctifies us,

it restores us to God, 

it bringss us to heaven!

Oh how lovely, how lovely was Christ in His sufferings!

Our blessed Saviour died that we might live!

He endured the greatest pains that we might enjoy the greatest pleasures!

Rather than His people be damned to eternal hell, He came from heaven to suffer all this for them!

Such a Pearl should sparkle in our eyes!

We do not sail to glory in the salt seas of our tears but in the red sea of Christ's blood!

~William Dyer~

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