Sunday, September 27, 2020

Busy Yourselves About Toys And Trifles!

 Busy Yourselves About Toys And Trifles!

"Do not work for food that spoils, but for food that endures to eternal life." (John 6:27).

Labor more for inward purity - than for outward felicity.

That man who is a laboring bee for earthly prosperity, will be but an idle drone for heavenly felicity.

Gold in your bags will make you greater - but it is grace in your heart that will make you holier.

He is a rich man who lives upon his wealth - but he is a righteous man who lives upon his faith!

A heavenly conversation, is better than any earthly possession.

It is a great mercy to have a portion in the world - but to have the world for a portion, is a great misery.

Our affections were made for things that are above us, and not for things that are below us. "If you have been raised to new life with Christ," What then? "Set your hearts on things above! Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things!" (Colossians 3:1-2).

But, alas! some men are so in love with their golden bags, that they will ride with all possible haste to hell - if they are but paid well for their pains! They look upon gain as the highest good, and not upon godliness as the highest gain!

They mind the present world so much - as if it would never have an ending! They mind the world to come so little - as if it would never have a beginning! The perishing things of this world - are all the happiness of the men of this world! Oh, what wretched worldlings! They are diligent about what is temporal - but negligent about what is eternal! They lay up treasure on earth - but none in Heaven!

Oh, beloved, what is gold, compared to grace? What is earth, compared to Heaven? that you thus neglect the great things, the weighty things, the eternal things - and busy yourselves about toys and trifles! You have a crown to look after - a Heaven to look after, a kingdom to look for!

I beseech you, beloved, labor more for inward holiness - than for outward happiness!

Labor more for inward piety - than for outward plenty! Labor more for a heavenly kingdom - than for an earthly possession!

The earth is a saint's passage - but Heaven is a saint's portion!

~William Dyer~

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