Wednesday, September 30, 2020

What Does It Mean To Be Filled With The Holy Spirit?

What Does It Mean To Be Filled With The Holy Spirit?

An important portion of Scripture that refers to the filling of the Holy Spirit is Ephesians 5:17-21.

"Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is. And do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery, but be filled with the Spirit, addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart, giving thanks always and in everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ."

In those verses being filled with the Spirit is contrasted with being filled or drunk with wine. The idea is one of being controlled by God's Spirit rather than by other forces. When we are filled by the Spirit, we see a resultant attitude of joy and thanksgiving. We also set a relational posture of humility toward God and of submission to one another.

So how can a person be filled with the Holy Spirit? To be clear, there is an important difference between the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and the filling of the Holy Spirit. All true believers in Jesus Christ have God's Spirit living within them, or dwelling within them (John 14:16; Ephesians 1:13; 2 Corinthians 1:22, Ephesians 4:30), but not all believers live filled or controlled by the Spirit's power. Some Christians describe this distinction by saying believers have all of the Holy Spirit but the Holy Spirit may NOT have all of them! We are indwellt by the Holy Spirit at the time of our salvation, but we are filled by Him when we submit to Him.

Negatively, a believer in Christ can "quench" or "grieve" the Holy Spirit (1 Thessalonians 5:19; Ephesians 4:30). Sinful actions can hinder the work of the Holy Spirit in his or her life. In contrast, when a believer in Christ lives in obedience to God's will and commands he or she should expect to see God's Spirit living through them.

Some suggest that the filling of the Holy Spirit is an emotional experience that takes place at certain moments, but the concept of "filling" in Scriptures is one of being controlled or influenced by the Holy Spirit. At times living a Spirit-filled life may include emotional or mountain-top experiences. But the idea of being filled by the Spirit is more about an ongoing sense of God's Spirit working in a person's life, not a one-time experience. As the believer lives his or her faith in Christ, the Holy Spirit increasingly controls or fills his or her life; this leads to joy, thankfulness, and right relationships.

~Compelling Truth~

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

What Does Our Church Need?

What Does Our Church Need?

"Our gospel came to you not simply with words - but also with power, with the Holy Spirit and with deep conviction" 1 Thessalonians 1:5).

"We have," said one pastor, "the gospel regularly preached, the prayer meetings are continued, the church is in peace - but very few souls are converted to God! What does our church need?"

It needs the presence and power of the Holy Spirit! For unless the Holy Spirit works - your minister may preach, your church may meet - but no real good will be done! God's work is carried on, not by might nor by power - but by the Spirit of the Lord Almighty. It is the Spirit who must open the heart, quicken the soul, and sanctify the person!

And if the Spirit works - then the feeblest ministry is efficient, and the smallest church prospers!

All the success that followed the preaching of Peter, and the labors of Paul - was from the Holy Spirit. Therefore Paul says, "God gave the increase." Then the church felt their need of the Spirit; she realized her dependence on that divine Agent; she prayed with faith, fervor, and importunity for the blessing; and God answered her prayers, and filled His servants with the Holy Spirit and with power!

But now, we merely talk of the Spirit - rather than feel our need! We boast of our instruments - rather than realize our dependence on the Almighty Agent the Holy Spirit!

~James Smith~

Monday, September 28, 2020

The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit

"That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit" (John 3:6).

The Holy Spirit is the author of the great work of regeneration. He takes up His abode in the renewed heart, as His temple. He dwells in us, and shall be with us. Jesus does all for us, in our justification; and the Holy Spirit does all in us, for our sanctification.

The Holy Spirit is the source of all holy desires, consistent purposes and good works. There is no good thing in us, but what He produces. He dwells within us as the Teacher, the Comforter, and the Advocate of the soul. He leads us into truth, against satan, and to labor for God.

He warns us of evil, directs us to Jesus, and applies the blessings of salvation to our souls. He is in us as a well of water springing up into everlasting life.

Without the Holy Spirit there is not, there cannot be, genuine religion; for He is the author, guardian, and guide.

To Him we are indebted for every good desire, for every holy thought, for every good word, and for every fruitful work. He works in us to will and to do of His own good pleasure.

Every tear of penitence, every contrite sigh, every fervent prayer, every ray of spiritual light, every holy emotion toward God - is from the Holy Spirit.

If He left us - our graces would soon wither, fade, and die.

When we grieve Him our comforts decline, our evidences are beclouded, and our hands wax feeble.

But if we sow to the Spirit, if we walk in the Spirit, if we aim in all things to please Him - then our souls are vigorous, our graces are lively, and we are enabled to find our joy in God.

~James Smith~

Sunday, September 27, 2020

Busy Yourselves About Toys And Trifles!

 Busy Yourselves About Toys And Trifles!

"Do not work for food that spoils, but for food that endures to eternal life." (John 6:27).

Labor more for inward purity - than for outward felicity.

That man who is a laboring bee for earthly prosperity, will be but an idle drone for heavenly felicity.

Gold in your bags will make you greater - but it is grace in your heart that will make you holier.

He is a rich man who lives upon his wealth - but he is a righteous man who lives upon his faith!

A heavenly conversation, is better than any earthly possession.

It is a great mercy to have a portion in the world - but to have the world for a portion, is a great misery.

Our affections were made for things that are above us, and not for things that are below us. "If you have been raised to new life with Christ," What then? "Set your hearts on things above! Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things!" (Colossians 3:1-2).

But, alas! some men are so in love with their golden bags, that they will ride with all possible haste to hell - if they are but paid well for their pains! They look upon gain as the highest good, and not upon godliness as the highest gain!

They mind the present world so much - as if it would never have an ending! They mind the world to come so little - as if it would never have a beginning! The perishing things of this world - are all the happiness of the men of this world! Oh, what wretched worldlings! They are diligent about what is temporal - but negligent about what is eternal! They lay up treasure on earth - but none in Heaven!

Oh, beloved, what is gold, compared to grace? What is earth, compared to Heaven? that you thus neglect the great things, the weighty things, the eternal things - and busy yourselves about toys and trifles! You have a crown to look after - a Heaven to look after, a kingdom to look for!

I beseech you, beloved, labor more for inward holiness - than for outward happiness!

Labor more for inward piety - than for outward plenty! Labor more for a heavenly kingdom - than for an earthly possession!

The earth is a saint's passage - but Heaven is a saint's portion!

~William Dyer~

Friday, September 25, 2020

What Is The Rapture and When Will It Occur?

What Is The Rapture and When Will It Occur?

"Rapture" is a term used by Christians to explain an event described by the Apostle Paul who wrote: "But we do not want you to be uninformed, brothers, about those who are asleep, that you may not grieve as others do who have no hope. For since we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so, through Jesus, God will bring with Him those who have fallen asleep. For this we declare to you by a word from the Lord, that we who are alive, who are left until the coming of the Lord, will not precede those who have fallen asleep. For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a cry of command, with the voice of an archangel, and with the sound of the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first.Then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord. Therefore encourage one another with these words" (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18).

The Greek term meaning "caught up" is harpazo, which means to seize suddenly or snatch. In Latin the word "rapio", which means to seize and carry away; it is from this Latin word that the term "rapture" comes.

Paul teaches that Christ will come at some future point in time for those who belong to Him. Those who are the "dead in Christ" will experience their resurrection first and be gifted with glorified bodies when He comes. Those believers in Christ who are alive at that time will then be instantly transformed from their earthly state to their eternal state, and will not experience death. Instead, they will be caught up to be with all those who have previously gone on to be with the Lord and be transferred to heaven. Paul speaks about this generation of believers who will not taste death when he says, "Behold! I tell you a mystery. We shall not all sleep, but we shall be changed" (1 Corinthians 15:51).

There is no debate among Bible scholars as to whether there will be a rapture, but much discussion has occurred over when the rapture will occur. There have been five main theories put forward as to the timing of the rapture and they all surround what is known in prophetic biblical teaching as the "tribulation" period, which is mentioned by Christ in Matthew 24 and described in great detail in Revelation 4-19. The five hypotheses are: 
Post tribulation - believers are raptured in the end of the tribulation period, when Christ returns in judgment.
Pre-tribulation - believers are caught up somewhere between the sixth and seventh seals described in Revelation.
Mid-tribulation - living believers are taken in the middle of the tribulation period.
Partial rapture - only faithful believers are taken to be with Christ at the beginning of the tribulation, with unfaithful Christians being left to endure it.
Pre-tribulation - believers are caught up to be with Christ before the tribulation begins.

It should be understood that sincere and learned believers can be found holding to each one of their theories. However, we at Compelling believe that when Scripture is examined as a whole, the pre-tribulation rapture position appears to have the most biblical evidence in its favor. You can read more about that in our article entitled "Is pre-tribulation right? Will the church be raptured before the tribulation?

The pre-tribulation view states that, at present, all believers are living in the Church age which has no specified period given to it in Scripture. At some point in the future, Christ will return for His Bride, the Church, and evacuate believers from earth before the state of a seven-year period in which God will pour out His wrath on an unbelieving world. The tribulation will climax with the bodily return of Christ, after which He will establish a perfect reign that lasts 1,000 years. Once that reign has concluded and one final rebellion crushed, God creates a new heaven and earth and the sternal state begins.

There is no debate of whether or not rapture will occur; the Bible is clear on that question. As to when the rapture will take place, no one knows the exact timing of the event. Jesus confirms this in Luke when He says, "You also must be ready, for the Son of man is coming at an hour you do not expect" (Luke 12:40).

~Compelling Truth~

Thursday, September 24, 2020

The Annals of Hell - Or The Biography of Devils!

The Annals of Hell - Or The Biography of Devils!

Though we are too apt to think that we are not accountable for our words - He who is to be our Judge, has plainly told us that "for every careless word" which men speak, they shall give an account in the day of judgment." (Matthew 12:36).

"For God will bring every deed into judgment, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil." (Ecclesiastes 12:14).

What astonishing discoveries will this trial of every hidden thing make!

On the other hand - what noble dispositions which never shone in full beauty to mortal eyes! What generous purposes crushed in embryo for lack of power to execute them! What pious and noble actions concealed under the veil of modesty, or misconstrued by ignorance and prejudice! What affectionate aspirations, what devout exercises of heart, which lay open only to the eyes of Omniscience, are now brought to full light, and receive the approbation of the Supreme Judge before the assembled universe"!

But on the other hand - what works of shame and darkness are then revealed! What hidden things of dishonesty! What dire secrets of treachery, hypocrisy, lewdness, and various forms of wickedness - all artfully and industriously concealed from human sight! What horrid exploits of sin now burst to light in all their hellish colors - to the confusion of the guilty, and the astonishment and horror of the universe!

Surely the history of mankind must then appear like the annals of hell - or the biography of devils! Then the mask of deceit will be torn off - and men will appear in their true characters! Their hearts will be, as it were, turned outwards - and all their secrets exposed to full view!

The design of this judicial inquiry will not be to inform the omniscient Judge - but to  convince all worlds of the justice of His proceedings. And this design renders it necessary that all these "secret things" should be laid open to their sight, that they may see the grounds upon which He passes sentences.

Does not the prospect of such a "revealing" fill some of you with horror? For many of your actions, and especially of your thoughts - will not bear the light. How would it confound you, if all your secret thoughts were now all published, even in the small circle of your friends! How then, can you bear to have them all fully exposed before God, angels, and the universe! Will it not confound you with shame, and make you objects of everlasting contempt to all worlds!

~Samuel Davies~

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

They Will Not Believe It Until They Feel It!

They Will Not Believe It Until They Feel It!

"Who warned you to flee from the coming wrath?" (Luke 3:7).

"Jesus, who rescues us from the coming wrath" (1 Thess. 1:10).

1. The coming wrath is the greatest wrath. It is the greatest evil which can befall a soul. "Who knows the power of Your wrath?" (Psalm 19:11). The coming wrath is such wrath as no unsaved man can either avoid or abide. And yet such is most men's stupidity, that they will not believe it until they feel it!

As God is a great God - so His wrath is a great wrath. If the wrath of an earthly king is so terrible - oh how dreadful must the wrath of the King of kings then be!

2. The coming wrath is treasured up wrath. Sinners are still treasuring up wrath against the day of wrath! (Romans 2:5). While wicked men are following their own lusts, they think that they are still adding to their own happiness. But alas, they do but add wrath to wrath! They do but heap up judgment upon judgment, and punishment upon punishment! Look! as men are daily adding to their treasure more and more, so impenitent sinners are daily increasing the treasury of wrath against their own souls.

3. The coming wrath is pure wrath. It is "judgment without mercy." The cup of wrath which God will put into a sinners' hands at last, will be a cup of pure wrath - all wrath - nothing but wrath. "They must drink the wine of God's wrath. It is poured out undiluted into God's cup of wrath. And they will be tormented with fire and burning sulfur in the presence of the holy angels and the Lamb." (Revelation 14:10).

Look! as there is nothing but the pure glory of God - which can make a man perfectly and fully happy; just so, there is nothing but the pure wrath of God - which can make a man fully and perfectly miserable. Reprobates shall not only sip of the top of God's cup - but they shall drink the dregs of His cup! They shall not have one drop of mercy, nor one crumb of comfort! They have filled up their lifetime with sin - and God will fill up their eternity with torments!

4. The coming wrath is everlasting wrath. "And the smoke of their torment ascends up forever and ever!" (Revelation 14:11). They shall have punishment without pity; misery without support; crying without comfort; mischief without measure; torment without ease - where the worm dies not, and the fire is never quenched.

The torments of the damned shall continue as many eternities as there are stars in the skies, as there are grains of sand on the shore, and as there are drops of water found in the sea!

When the present worlds are ended, the pains and torments of hell shall not cease - but begin afresh, and thus this wheel shall turn round and round, without end.

Oh the folly and vanity, the madness and baseness of poor wretched sinners, who expose themselves to everlasting torments - for a few fleshly momentary pleasures!

O! "Who can stand before His fierce anger? Who can survive His burning fury? His rage blazes forth like fire, and the mountains crumble to dust in His presence!" (Nahum 1:6).

How should these things work poor sinners to flee to Christ, who alone is able to save them from the coming wrath" (1 Thessalonians 1:10).

~Thomas Brooks~

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

God's Most Stubborn Enemy

 God's Most Stubborn Enemy

"I hate pride and arrogance!" (Proverbs 8:13).

"The Lord detests all the proud of heart. Be sure of this: they will not go unpunished." (Proverbs 16:5).

Pride is a person having too high an opinion of himself.

Pride is the first sin that ever entered into the universe, and  the last sin that is rooted out.

Pride is the worst sin. It is the most secret of all sins. There is no other matter in which the heart is more deceitful and unsearchable. Alas, how much pride the best have in their hearts!

Pride is God's most stubborn enemy. There is no sin so much like the devil as pride. It is a secret and subtle sin, and appears in a great many shapes which are undetected and unsuspected.

"I hate pride and arrogance!" (Proverbs 8:13).

"The Lord detests all the proud of heart. Be sure of this: They will not go unpunished." (Proverbs 16:5).

~Jonathan Edwards~

Monday, September 21, 2020

When the Holy Spirit's Influence is Put Forth Within Us

When the Holy Spirit's Influence is Put Forth Within Us

All that the Holy Spirit does for us, and all that He works within us - is of grace. He graciously quickens the dead, instructs the ignorant, liberates the captives, restores the wanderers, comforts the dejected, strengthens the weak, and sanctifies the impure. His work is His delight - and to see us holy and happy is His pleasure!

The Holy Spirit produces all our graces within us. He is the root - and our graces are His fruits; hence we read, "The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance.

When His influence is put forth within us - then we believe God's Word, hope in His mercy, rejoice in His goodness, cleave to His cause, walk in His ways, love His truth, His people, and Himself, holiness is then happiness, duties are then pleasant, and even the cross lays light upon our shoulders.

But if the Spirit hides Himself, withdraws His influences, and leaves us to ourselves - then we doubt and fear, fret and pine, kick and rebel, rove from thing to thing, and nothing will either please or satisfy us. We often then question the past, are wretched at present and dread the future.

But when He puts forth His power in us again our graces shootforth like bulbous roots in the spring, our sighs are exchanged for songs, our fears are exchanged for fortitude, our doubts are exchanged for confidence, and our murmurings are exchanged for gratitude and love. 

We then sink into the dust of self-abatement, admire the forbearance and patience of God, condemn our own conduct, and wonder that we are out of hell.

Then we take down our harps from the willows, and with a melting heart, a weeping eye, and a tremendous voice we sing, "The winter is past; the rains are over and gone. Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come, the cooing of doves is heard in our land. The fig tree forms its early fruit; the blossoming vines spread their fragrance." Our wilderness is now turned into an Eden - and our desert into the garden of the Lord!

Come, Holy Spirit come, and produce a spring season in our souls!

Brethren, we need the Holy Spirit, as the Spirit of grace - to make us gracious and graceful Christians. Without the Spirit of grace we cannot live up to our profession; we cannot copy the example of our beloved Master; we cannot keep His commandments; we cannot love one another as He has loved us; we cannot sympathize with lost sinners as we should; we cannot keep God's glory in view in all that we do; we cannot walk in high and holy fellowship with God; we cannot meet death with peace and joy!

~James Smith~

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Tied To Their Minister's Apron Strings

Tied To Their Minister's Apron Strings

It is lamentable when a boy in his teens is still tied to his mother's apron strings. Yet is it not equally deplorable for those who have Christians many years - to be tied to their minister's apron strings? Yet how often we witness this very thing. There is a certain class who seem to be afraid, or at any rate unwilling, to t hink for themselves - to search the Scriptures for themselves, and act accordingly - and we suspect that in many cases the preacher is as much to blame as they are. It is true that he is their teacher, and as  such he should possess a wider and deeper knowledge of spiritual things than they have. Yet it is his duty to instruct them - to familiarize themselves with God's Word, and thus become qualified to "test all things - and hold fast that which is good" (1 Thessalonians 5:21). In other words, the preacher is not to be a nurse unto them all their lives!

It has long been our conviction that the preacher who is really of greatest service to his people - is the one who makes them most independent of human help, and casts them back directly upon God Himself. For souls to run to their pastor every time they are in trouble, or look to him to solve all their spiritual problems - is virtually to give him the same place in their lives, as the deluded Papists accord their "priests." This is not only to rob God of His glory - but also retards their spiritual progress. It is with God Himself, that I most need to deal, and any man who comes between me and the Lord is really a hindrance, no matter how good his intention may be. Moreover, the preacher is human, and therefore liable to err - but God is omniscient and never misdirects. "If any of you lacks wisdom - let him ask of God" (James 1:5).

Sooner or later there comes a time in the lives of most real Christians, when those words, "Stop trusting in man!" (Isaiah 2:22) are applied to their hearts in Divine power. This will not mean that they now refuse to hear God's servants or read their writings - but that they will no longer place the same blind confidence in their teachers as the Papists do in their priests. Instead, they will emulate the Bereans, who did not mechanically accept what they heard, even from the lips of the Apostle Paul - but "examined the Scriptures every day - to see if what Paul said was True." (Acts 17:11).

~A. W. Pink~

Saturday, September 19, 2020

The Sea Of Damnation

 The Sea Of Damnation

"Or do you show contempt for the riches of His kindness, tolerance and patience, not realizing that God's kindness leads you toward repentance? But because of your stubbornness and your unrepentant heart, you are storing up wrath against yourself for the day of God's wrath, when His righteous judgment will be revealed." (Romans 2:4-5).

Oh, who will pity you who would not pity yourselves - when you are damned, when you are howling and roaring in hell?

If the day of mercy leaves you graceless - the day of judgment will find you speechless.

There is no standing before Christ - but by standing IN Christ.

Ungodly men fear no wrath - because they presently feel no wrath.

Because their sin is now unpunished - they think there is no punishment for their sins.

Because God continues to spare them - they go on to provoke Him.

Because He adds to their lives - they add to their lusts.

Because He is very merciful - they will be verysinful.

Because He is very good to them - they will be very bad to Him.

Because His justice now winks - men think He is blind.

Because He does not reprove them for their sins - therefore they think He approves them in their sins.

But JUSTICE will soon avenge the quarrel of abused mercy.

Oh, sinners, though the patience of God is lasting - it is not everlasting.

If by the warnings of God, you are not alarmed - you shall be consumed by His wrath.

The longer God is in raising His omnipotent arm - the heavier will be the blow when it comes.

The day that begins in mercy - may end in judgment.

God is silent for only so long; but know, that God has vials of wrath filled with indignation - for vessels of wrath fitted for destruction.

If God's mercy does not draw you to repentance - God's judgments will drive you to destruction.

The sea of damnation - shall NOT be sweetened with one drop of compassion.

"How will we escape - if we neglect such a great salvation." (Hebrews 2:3). If you neglect the great salvation - you cannot escape the great damnation.

Oh, sinners, think of this - before the bottomless pit has shut its mouth upon you.

~William Dyer~

Friday, September 18, 2020

Will We Recognize and Be Reunited With Our Loved Ones in Heaven?

Will We Recognize and Be Reunited With Our Loved Ones in Heaven?

Yes! In the Old Testament, when a person died, the biblical writers said he was "gathered to his people" (Genesis 25:8; 49:29; Numbers 20:24; Judges 2:10. In 2 Samuel 12, when David's infant child died, David confidently said, "I shall go to him, but he shall not return to me" (verse 23). David evidently expected to see the child again - not just a nameless, faceless soul without an identity, but that very child!

The New Testament indicates even more clearly that our identities will remain unchanged. While sharing the Passover meal with His disciples, Christ said, "Take this cup and divide it among yourselves; for I say to you, I will not drink of the fruit of the vine until the kingdom of God comes" (Luke 22:17-18). Christ was promising that He and His disciples would drink the fruit of the vine together again - in Heaven. Elsewhere Jesus makes a similar, but even more definite, promise: "Many will come from east and west, and sit down with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven" (Matthew 8:11).

Furthermore, Moses and Elijah appeared with Christ on the Mount of Transfiguration. Even though it had been centuries since Moses died, and Elijah was taken to heaven, they still maintained a clear identity (Matthew 17:3) - Peter, James and John evidently recognized them (v. 4), which implies that we will somehow be able to recognize people we've never even seen before.

All the redeemed will maintain their identity forever, but in a perfected form. We will be able to have fellowship with Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Jacob, Samuel, Moses, Joshua, Esther, Elijah, Elisha, Isaiah, Daniel, Ezekiel, David, Peter, Barnabas, Paul, or any of the saints we choose. For that to be possible, we must all retain our individual identities, not turn into some sort of generic beings!

Describing the Lord's appearing and the resurrection of the saints who have died, Paul writes, "Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord" ( 1 Thessalonians. 4:17).

Paul's purpose in writing was to comfort some of the Thessalonians who evidently thought their dying loved ones would miss the return of Christ. He says in verse 18, "Comfort one another with these words." The comfort comes from the prospect of reunion. Little comfort this would be if in the reunion we could not even recognize one another. But Paul's promise that we will all be "together" forever implies that we shall renew fellowship with all whom we have known.

We will be reunited not only with our own families and loved ones, but also with the people of God from all ages. In heaven we will all be one loving family. The immense size of the family will not matter in the infinite perfection of heaven. There will be ample opportunity for close relationships with everyone, and our eternity will be spent in just that kind of rich, unending fellowship.

If you are worried about feeling out of place in heaven, don't! Heaven will seem more like home than the dearest spot on earth to you. It is uniquely designed by a tender, loving Saviour to be the place where we will live together for all eternity and enjoy Him forever - in the fullness of our glorified humanity.

Is it any wonder that the psalmist said, "Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints" (Psalm 116:15)?

~John MacArther~ The Glory of Heaven

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Holy Spirit - The Fruits and Effects He Produces

Holy Spirit - The Fruits and Effects He Produces

"When He comes, He will convict the world about sin, righteousness, and judgment" (John 16:8).

Where the Holy Spirit is , there will always be deep conviction of sin - and true repentance for it. It is His special office to convict of sin.

He shows the exceeding holiness of God.

He teaches the exceeding corruption and infirmity of our nature.

He stripes us of our blind self-righteousness.

He opens our eyes to our awful guilt, folly and danger.

He fills the heart with sorrow, contrition, and abhorrence for sin - as the abominable thing which God hates.

He who knows nothing of all this, and saunters carelessly through life, thoughtless about sin, and indifferent and unconcerned about his soul - is a dead man before God! He has not the Holy Spirit.

The presence of the Holy Spirit in a man's heart can only be known by the fruits and effects He produces. Mysterious and invisible to mortal eye as His operations are - they always lead to certain visible and tangible results.

Just as you know there is life in a tree by its sap, buds, leaves and fruits - just so you may know the Spirit to be in a man's heart by the influence He exercises over his thoughts, affections, opinions, habits and life. I lay this down broadly and unhesitatingly. I see it clearly marked out in our Lord Jesus Christ's words, "Every tree is known by his own fruit" (Luke 6:44).

~J. C. Ryle~

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Hell Would Be the Place of Greatest Pleasure!

Hell Would Be the Place of Greatest Pleasure!

"They delight in doing wrong and rejoice in the perverseness of evil" (Proverbs 2:14).

Worldly people take pleasure in unrighteousness, rejoice to do evil, make a sport of sin, delight to dishonor God, and damn their own immortal souls.

Holiness only debars men from the sinful joys, delights, and pleasures of life.

What a mercy it is, to be taken off from that carnal mirth which ends in mourning, and from those vain delights which end in unspeakable torments, and from that foolish jollity which leads to everlasting misery!

Ah, what folly and madness it is, for men to run the hazard of losing the kingdom of Heaven, and the eternal pleasures which are at God's right hand - for those short-lived pleasures which are like the early dew which soon passes away! Ah, who would endure an ocean of torture - for a drop of sensual pleasure!

All sensual pleasures defile the soul, debase the soul, debauch the soul, and deaden the heart towards God.

Sensual pleasures and delights cannot satisfy the soul of man; they ae but frothy and flashy. They only wet the mouth - they never warm the heart. Sensual pleasures seem substantial in the pursuit - but are mere clouds to the enjoyment.

There is nothing in carnal delights, but imagination and expectation, for they an neither fill the heart, nor satisfy the heart.

O, there is no real pleasure in sin! All the pleasures of sin are counterfeit pleasures; they are but the shapes and shadows of pleasure. They are the seeds of future grief; they ae but a pladge laid up for sorrow or ruin. Certainly if there were the least real delight in sin - hell could never be hell! Yes, then it would follow that hell would be the place of greatest pleasure - for doubtless hell is the place of greatest sin.

Oh, don't deceive your own souls! There can be no real joy in sensual pleasures. What real delight or pleasure can there be in fooling and staggering to the tavern;  in carding; in partying, and whoring; in pursuing after lying vanities? Surely none! As for those seeming pleasures which attend the ways of sin - ah, how soon do they vanish and lead a sting behind them!

Look! All the pleasures which mankind takes a person off from - are babyish and toyish pleasures; such as from delighting in a rattle, a doll, a feather; a hobby-horse, a wooden sword. Just so, all the pleasures and delights which holiness takes a man off from - they ae babyish and foolish; yes, they are vile, dangerous, and devilish!

Holiness is only an exchange of sinful delights - for those which are holy; of carnal delights - for those which are spiritual; of earthly delights - for those which are heavenly.

He who delights in sensual pleasures shall find at last - that his greatest pleasures will become his bitterest pains!

~Thomas Brooks~

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Love Boundf Him To The Cross And Held Him There!

 Love Bound Him To The Cross And Held Him There!

"Christ loved the Church - and gave Himself up for her!" (Ephesians 5:25).

Thoughts of love nestled in His heart;

words of love lingered on His lips;

deeds of love flew from His hands; and

His steps left behind them, the impress of love!

Love threw its soft halo over His cradle at Bethlehem - and it fringed with its mellow splendors, the gloom of the cloud under which He expired on Calvary.

Love gave bounds to His reproofs - and pathos to His invitations.

Love was the magnet that guided Him in all His wanderings.

Love bound Him to the Cross and held Him there - and not the iron nails which pierced His hands and His feet!

Love thrilled in His bosom, and glistened in His eye!

Love prompted Him to impart miraculous aid on every opportunity. His meekness was but one of its features. It clothed itself in forgiveness toward His enemies, and its last pulsation was in a prayer for His murderers.

Love was the spiritual atmosphere in which He lived, moved, and had His being. And all this love had His own people for its central object, around whom it ever hovered with sleepless tenderness and assiduity! "Christ loved the church - and gave Himself up for her!"

But those exhibitions of love during His life - are eclipsed by the displays of it in His death! Love shines out with novel charms amidst the gloom of death, for it did not shrink from the shame and woe of the Cross!

His severest anguish was that of His soul. Oh! it was not shame, persecution, or crucifixion - for these terrible sufferings could have been easily borne! It was not the rage and malice of satan - these also  could have been trampled on! The travail of His soul was induced by vicarious pangs!

Who can estimate the depth and fervor of a love which gave itself to such agonies; laid itself on the altar as a perfect atoning sacrifice; suffered that we should not eternally suffer; and died - that we might live forever? The Divine Lover gave Himself! Surely the voice of the Redeemer's love, speaks in thrilling accents from the Cross!

What an amazing gift!

You members of His blood-bought church, as you look to His Cross, when you see Him groaning, bleeding, and dying in agony and shame - under the deepest, most mysterious and terrible sufferings - will you not be always reassured of His love? Will it not glow in your bosoms, and thrill in your praises?

"Unto Him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by His blood - to Him be glory and power forever and ever! Amen"

~John Eadie~

Monday, September 14, 2020

How Does the Holy Spirit Seal Us? What is the Seal of the Holy Spirit?

How Does the Holy Spirit Seal Us? What Is the Seal of the Holy Spirit?

In biblical times, a seal was a guarantee. Ephesians 1:13-14 shares regarding the Holy Spirit, "In Him you also, when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and believed in Him, were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit, who is the guarantee of our inheritance until we acquire possession of it, to the praise of His glory." According to this passage, the seal of the Holy Spirit takes place at the point of salvation. It is a promise or guarantee of the Christian's future, eternal inheritance with Jesus Christ.

The Greek word translated as "seal" is "shragizo" that means "to set a seal upon, mark with a seal". A seal could be used to guarantee a document or letter (Esther 3:12), or protect against tampering (Matthew 27:66 (Revelation 5:1). The Holy Spirit is our seal in every sense of this word.

First, the Holy Spirit in the believer's life helps to guarantee he or she isa child of God. Romans 8:16 shares, "The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God."

Second, the seal of the Holy Spirit serves as a mark that we truly belong to Christ. Romans 8:9-10 teaches, "You however, are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if in fact the Spirit of God dwells in you. Anyone who does not have the Spirit of Christ does not belong to Him. But if Christ is in you, although the body is dead because of sin, the Spirit is life because of righteousness." 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 also notes, "Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body."

Third, the seal of the Holy Spirit helps protect against tampering or attack. Romans 8:13 declares, "For if you live according to the flesh you will die, but if by the Spirit, you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live." In a very real sense, God's Spirit protects us and guarantees our eternity with the Lord.

At what point does the sealing of the Holy Spirit take place? It takes place when a person believes the gospel. At that point, God's seal offers the promise of eternal life because of salvation based on God's grace through faith in Jesus Christ (Ephesians 2:8-9).

The seal of the Holy Spirit offers a wonderful glimpse of God's role in salvation. When we receive salvation in Christ, we are given a guarantee, exchange our ownership for His, and are protected against forces of evil. This seal should provide wonderful encouragement for the believer against the spiritual battles in this life (Ephesians 6:12) and anticipation for the life to come.

~Compelling Truth~

Sunday, September 13, 2020

If God Gives Christ, What Can He Withhold?

 If God Gives Christ, What Can He Withhold?

Are believers in the valley of tears? Is their dwelling place Bochim and Baca? Well, God's mercy outstretches all their misery! Promises of grace dispel the mental gloom, and bear away the ponderous loads of grief! The soft handerchief of love wipes off the furrowing tear! An inspired penman begins the glorious sentence with an unanswerable question. "If God spared not His own Son, but delivered Him up to for the death of us all, how shall He not also with Him give us all things?" (Romans 8:32). Comfort, then; you sons of sorrow; comfort, my soul! There is more in this verse than can be comprehended! And there is more love in the heart of God, than any language, or idiom of speech, can convey to finite creatures!

If, for my sake, He has given His Son, what will He withhold in all the creation? Is His creation - the breath of His mouth - better to Him than His eternal, co-eternal Son? Is the work of His hands dearer to Him than His well-beloved bosom Son? And has He given Him to die for you - and then will He deny you any necessity? No! He who feeds the soul with heavenly manna - will support the body with daily bread! He who gives drink out of the wells of salvation - will not fail to afford a cup of cold water! He who has provided a robe of righteousness, to cover the shame of my sin - will also give wool in the cold season. He who furnishes my inner man with all the armor of God, will put a covering on my head in the day of battle and war. He who, in the counsel of peace, from eternity, secured my peace, will also shine upon my path, and decree what shall come to pass. He who has written my name among the living in Jerusalem, will also preserve, (this my faith pleads and expects), my character, that I shall not shame what I profess in the world. He who has destroyed spiritual death, will also for me unsting natural death, and spoil the grave of its victory!

Again, how can it be possible that God should give His Son, Himself, His all - and yet deny me any good thing? Will not He who is to corwn me with glory above - strengthen me with grace below? Will He not bless me with peace of mind - who is to be my peace forever? Triumph, O my faith! all things are Christ's, and Christ is God's! And God, Christ, and all things, are yours! Time is His, and in it I have my years numbered! The air is His, and in it I breathe! The world is His - and on it I dwell; its fullness is His - and I am fed! Grace is His and in it I stand! Faith is His gift - and by it I overcome the world! Tribulations are from Him - and in them I glory! Perfection is His - and towards it I press! Death is His - and by it I arrive at home! Heaven is His - and there is my sansion! Eternity is His, and there is my treasure and glory forevermore!

~James Meikle~

Friday, September 11, 2020

God Is In Control Of Our Salvation (and others)

 God Is In Control Of Our Salvation (and others)

God Is in Control of Our Salvation

Ephesians 1:3-14

God’s sovereignty extends over all things. He is omniscient (all-knowing), so nothing is hidden from His sight. And since He is omnipotent (all-powerful), no plan of His can be thwarted. Everything in both the natural and spiritual realms—including our salvation—is under His complete control.

Since sin has darkened minds and hardened hearts, man is excluded from the life of God (Eph. 4:17-18). Therefore, we can take no credit for our salvation. Our rescue began in the heart and mind of God, who chose us in Christ before the foundation of the world (Eph. 1:4). God is the one who opened our minds to understand the truth of the gospel, convicted us of our sin, and gave us the faith to believe in Jesus as Savior. From first to last, all of salvation is God’s gift to us.

Why did He reach out to save us? Several repeated phrases in today’s passage give the reason. It was “according to the kind intention of His will” and “to the praise of the glory of His grace” (Eph. 1:5-6). We are the beneficiaries of God’s kindness and salvation, by which the spotlight falls on His glorious grace—not on us.

~Dr. Charles F. Stanley~


God’s Purpose

Romans 8:28-30

What is the purpose of life? Throughout human history, people have been trying to answer that question. Books have been written on the subject, and philosophers have postulated many answers. But for Christians, God’s purpose is concisely outlined in today’s passage.

Believers are called according to His purpose and are foreknown by Him. God’s foreknowledge is much more than His ability to see future events in advance. It also includes bringing to pass what He has chosen to do for those He has called. He has predestined them to be conformed to the image of His Son (Rom. 8:29). This will be fully accomplished in the resurrection, but until then, God is progressively transforming His children right now. These are the ones He calls, justifies (declares righteous), and ultimately glorifies.

If you are a Christian, this is God’s purpose for you. That means everything He allows into your life is designed to shape you into a glorious reflection of Christ. Although you cannot fully understand how God brings about salvation and how believers are responsible to respond in faith, there is great comfort in knowing that He who began this good work in you will be faithful to complete it (Phil. 1:6).

~Dr. Charles F. Stanley~


“Hide Thy face from my sins and blot out all mine iniquities….Restore unto me the joy of Thy salvation.”



Do you want to find out whether you’re backslidden or not? Let's take your spiritual temperature with the joy test. Do you have joy in your heart all the time? “Joy unspeakable and full of glory”—whatever may happen?

You say, “Pastor, no, I don't have joy that kind of joy. Nobody is supposed to be joyful all the time. I've had some tough times.”

I think you’re thinking about happiness, not joy.

True joy doesn’t depend upon your circumstances. Happiness depends on circumstances—what “happens” to you. We’re not talking about happiness. Joy, on the other hand, is an inside job. True joy shines best in tough times. You can radiate joy in spite of circumstances or what happens.

Did you know that the New Testament book that radiates the most joy—Philippians—was written by Paul from a Roman prison? He said (Philippians 4:4), “Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say, rejoice.” And you rejoice not in your circumstances but in the Lord.


Paul didn't say “be happy always.” He did say, “Rejoice always” (1 Thessalonians 5:16). You can’t be happy always, because your circumstances change. Joy comes from your relationship with Jesus. You can have joy all the time because you can have Jesus all the time. Remember, “The joy of the Lord is your strength” (Nehemiah 8:1). Turn your eyes upon Jesus and away from your circumstances, and in Him you can “rejoice always.”

~Adrian Rogers~

Jesus Came Leaping! (and others)

 Jesus Came Leaping! (and others)

"The voice of my Beloved! Look! Here He comes, leaping over the mountains, bounding over the hills!" (Song of Songs 2:8).

The Scriptures tell us that Jesus came leaping! He came with such love - that He came leaping! When a man goes leaping - you may know that it was with a great eagerness.

Jesus came leaping! How so? He came leaping from the throne - to the womb, from the womb - to the cradle, from the cradle - to the Cross, and from thence, to the throne again!

This was His great leap! Oh! sirs, Oh! sirs - how eagerly did Jesus suffer and die for poor believers!

"Christ loved us - and gave Himself up for us!" (Ephesians 5:2).

~William Dyer~


Fiery Trials Make Golden Christians

"For our momentary light affliction is producing for us an absolutely incomparable eternal weight of glory." (2 Corinthians 4:17).

Oh Christians! under your greatest troubles, lie your greatest treasures!

"It is good for me to be afflicted, that I might learn Your statutes." (Psalm 119:71).

By the greatest affliction, God teaches us the greatest instruction.

When a believer lies under God's hand which afflicts him, he lies in God's heart which loves him.

Afflictions are good, but not pleasant. Sin is pleasant, but not good.

There is more evil in a drop of sin, than there is in a sea of afflictions.

God by affliction separates the sin He hates so deadly, from the soul He loves so dearly.

The believer studies more how to adorn the Cross, than how to avoid the Cross.

Tell me, oh believer - is not Christ with His Cross, better than the world with its crown?

"God disciplines us for our good, that we may share in His holiness." (Hebrews 12:10).

Suppose, Christian, that the furnace is hot, seven times hotter, it is but to make you seven times more holy. Fiery trials make golden Christians. Sin has brought many a believer unto suffering, and suffering has kept many a believer from sinning. It is better to be preserved in brine, to rot in honey.

"I know, O Lord, that Your laws are righteous, and in faithfulness You have afflicted me." (Psalm 119:75).

~William Dyer~

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Worse Than The Devil

 Worse Than The Devil

"He who covers his sins shall not prosper - but whoever confesses and forsakes them, shall have mercy." (Proverbs 28:13).

Loathe sin - and leave sin.

There must be a falling out with our sins - before there be a falling off from our sins. There must be a loathing of sin in our affections. Oh, is it not a thousand times better to part with sin - though ever so sweet - than to part with God, and Christ, and Heaven? One of them, you must part with.

One sin will damn a soul out of Christ - but no sin can damn a soul in Christ.

Sin is the evil of evils. Sin is worse than the devil - for it was sin which made the devil to be a devil. Oh! the love of sin, and the lack of grace - will ruin and destroy your soul forever. It is better not to be - than to be an unrepentant sinner. Oh, therefore kill sin - that sin may not kill you. Mourn for sin - and flee from sin. Do not commit new sins - but repent of old sins.

"Then you will remember your evil ways and wicked deeds, and you will loathe yourselves for your sins and detestable practices." (Ezekiel 36:31). Oh, poor soul - have you not served the flesh and the devil long enough? Yes! Have you not had enough of sin? Is sin so good to you - or is it so profitable for you?

Oh, what a place will you shortly be in - of joy or torment.

Oh, what a sight will you shortly see - in Heaven or hell.

Oh, what thoughts will shortly fill your hearts - with unspeakable delight or horror.

What work will you be employed in: to praise the Lord with the saints and angels, or to cry out in unquenchable fire with devils.

Oh, therefore, die unto sin, confess it, mourn for it, and be ashamed of it; hate and loathe it, and flee from it as from a deadly serpent. Though your sins are more than you can number - yet they are not more than God can pardon. "If we confess our sins - He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." (1 John 1:9).

~William Dyer~

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Get Out Of My Sight!

 Get Out Of My Sight!

Many today say that there is no hell. Multitudes thing that all that is spoken of hell in Scripture is false and mythical. They will not believe that there is a hell.... until they come to feel themselves in hell, until they find everlasting flames about their ears, until they are sentenced to the fire, until they are doomed to everlasting fire!

The last words that Christ will ever speak to the ungodly will be the most tormenting and horrifying, the most killing and damning, the most stinging and wounding! "Then He will also say to those on the left: Depart from Me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his demons!" (Matthew 25:41).

This terrible sentence breathes out nothing but fire and brimstone, terror and horror, dread and woe!

"Depart from Me!" Here is utter rejection: "Pack! Be gone! Get out of My sight! Let Me never see your face again!"

"You who are cursed!" Here is malediction. You shall be cursed in your bodies and cursed in your souls! You shall be cursed of God, and cursed of angels, and cursed of saints, and cursed of devils, and cursed of your companions! Yes, you shall curse your very selves, your very souls. All your former curses, all your maledictions - shall at last recoil upon your own souls!

Now you curse every man and thing which stands in the way of your lusts, and which cross your designs! But at last all the curses of Heaven and hell shall meet in their full power and force upon you! There is the vengeance and everlasting fie, which will neither consume itself, nor consume you! Eternity of exterme punishment is the hell of hells.

"I am afraid of hell," says one, "because the worm there never dies, and the fire never goes out!" It is called "unquenchable fire," and "eternal fire." The torments of the damned are very grievous for the bitterness of them, and more grievous for the diversity of them, but most of all grievous for the eternity of them!

Wronged justice can never be satisfied, and therefore the sinner must be forever tormented. The sinner in hell will sin forever, and therefore must be punished forever. It will not stand with the unspotted justice and righteousness of God to cease punishing - while the sinner ceases not sinning.

"But, Lord, if I must go into fire, into everlasting fire - then oh, let me have some good company in my misery!"

"No! The devil and his demons shall be your companions!" Ah! who can conceive or express the misery of living with devils and damned spirits and hellish fiends and furies forever!

"For God did not appoint us to suffer wrath, but to receive salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ!" (1 Thessalonians 5:9).

~Thomas Brooks~

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

The Book Of Life

 The Book Of Life

"And another book was opened, which is the book of life" (Revelation 20:12).

The names of the elect are written in the book of life. They do not obtain salvation by chance, but were elected by God to eternal life and happiness before the foundation of the world. Now their names being once written in the book of life, they shall never, never be blotted out of that book! In the book of predestination there is not one blot to be found; the salvation of the elect is most sure and certain!

"I will never blot out his name from the book of life." (Revelation 3:5).

The book of life is the book of all those who were elected and redeemed to life, through Jesus Christ. This book of life contains a register of such particular persons in whose salvation, God from all eternity determined to have His mercy glorified; and for whom Christ merited faith, repentance, and perseverance - that they should repent, believe, and be finally saved.

"This book of life shall be opened;" that is to say, the decrees of God will be then published and made known, which now are sealed up in His bosom and locked up in His archives. Then it will be seen whom are appointed to eternal life- for the glorifying of God's free, rich, and sovereign grace; and whom He purposed to leave in their sins, and whom He purposed to leave in their sins, and to perish forever - for the exaltation of His justice.

"Nothing impure will ever enter heaven, nor will anyone who does what is shameful or deceitful, but only those whose names are written in the Lamb's book of life." (Revelation 21:27).

The book of life shall be opened in the great day, because then it shall be shown who were elect - and who were reprobates; who truly believed in Christ - and who did not; who worshiped God in spirit and in truth - and who did not; who walked with God as Noah did - and who did not; who truly reverenced God - and who did not; who followed the Lamb wherever He went - and who did not; who were sincere - and who were not; who are sheep - and who are goats; who are sons of God - and who are slaves of satan; who have mourned for their sins - and who have made a sport of sin; who preferred Christ above ten thousand worlds - and who did not; who preferred their farms, and their oxen, and their swine; yes, their very lusts - before a Saviour, a Redeemer!

"If anyone's name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire!" (Revelation 20:15).

~Thomas Brooks~

Monday, September 7, 2020

Such Weather Vane Preachers Are Worthless!

 Such Weather Vane Preachers Are Worthless!

A weather vane preacher is any preacher who changes what he preaches or how he preaches when the wind changes direction. The preacher who alters his message or his method because of the ever-changing advice, counsel, and opinions of men is not a leader, but a follower. Such weather vane preachers are worthless! They only do harm to the souls of men, and they need not preach at all! True, gospel preachers are pillars in the church of God - not puppets in the hands of men! 

"On the contrary, we speak as men approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel. We are not trying to please men but God, who tests our hearts" (1 Thessalonians 2:4).

"Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage - with great patience and careful instruction. For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths!" (2 Timothy 4:2-4).

~Frank Hall~

Sunday, September 6, 2020

Precept and Prayer

Precept and Prayer

Precepts call for prayers, for as they point out God's requirements, and call upon us for obedience; they also teach us our weakness, and our need of Divine strength. David seems to have felt this, and therefore he says, "You have commanded us to keep Your precepts diligently" - and then immediately prays, "O that my ways were directed to keep your statutes!" (Psalm 119:4, 5).

THE COMMAND. "You have commanded us to keep Your precepts diligently."

His precepts are to be kept - we should keep them in our minds and memories, and in our practice and daily behavior.

They are to be kept diligently, as our rule of conduct, as our guide in all of life.

They are to be kept with sincerity, promptness, and careful attention.

We should keep them as the command of God - of God who is our Father, the source and giver of all good things.

We should keep them too, as those who must give an account.

THE DEVOUT ASPIRATION. "O that my ways were directed to keep Your statutes!" This expresses a love to the precepts, and an approval of them. It intimates that there are hindrances, or difficulties in the way of keeping them...satan hinders, the world hinders, the flesh hinders.

It is a recognition of our weakness - and a desire for Divine strength. Divine influence is necessary to enable us to keep God's statutes. He who gives the precept - must give the wisdom and the strength, necessary to observe it. He who requires obedience - is ready to give us ability to render it. Let us then take every precept to His throne of grace, and with a hearty desire to do all that God commands, just because He commands it, and with a view to His glory; and cry out from the depths of the soul, "O that my ways were directed to keep Your statutes!"

Beloved, if we perform duty in a right spirit, it will soon become our delight. It will bring us near to God, keep us dependent on Jesus, and lead us into close fellowship with the Holy Spirit.

It will preserve us from a thousand snares - and introduce us to a thousand unknown, and unexpected joys!

Gracious Lord, direct us daily, that we may keep Your precepts diligently!

~James Smith~

Friday, September 4, 2020

Are We In Reality - What We Are In Name?

Are We In Reality - What We Are In Name?

"The disciples were first called Christians at Antioch" (Acts 11:26.)

We call ourselves Christians - but do we really understand the MEANING and sacred import of that name? Do we really know what it is to be Christians indeed? Are we in reality - what we are in name? Certainly it is time for us to consider the matter!

What is it to be a Christian?

To be a Christian, in the popular and fashionable sense, is no really difficult or excellent thing. It is to be baptized, to profess the Christian religion; to believe, like our neighbors, that Christ is the Messiah, and to attend upon public worship once a week, in some church or another. In this sense, a man may be a 'Christian' - and yet be habitually careless about eternal things. He may be a 'Christian' - and yet fall short of the morality of many of the heathen. He may be a 'Christian' - and yet be a drunkard, a swearer, or a slave to some vice or other. He may be a 'Christian' - and yet be a willful, impenitent offender against God and man.

But is this to be a 'real Christian' - in the original and proper sense of the word? NO! that is something of a very different and superior kind.

To be a Christian indeed - is to be like to Christ, from whom the name is taken!

To be a Christian indeed is to be a follower and imitator of Christ!

To be a Christian indeed - is to have Christ's spirit and temper; and to live as He lived in the world!

In short, to be a Christian, is to have our sentiments, our character and our practice, formed upon the sacred model of the gospel.

~Samuel Davies~

Thursday, September 3, 2020

The Art of Preaching

 The Art of Preaching

We are overcome with a shallow, superficial ministry, which is destitute of all life, savor, and power. A dry, dead-letter scheme of doctrine, as mathematically correct as the squares of a chess-board, prevails, where what is called "truth," is preached. And to move Bible texts on the squares as pawns, is called "the art of preaching."

How simple is truth!

Man's misery - God's mercy.

The aboundings of sin - the super-aboundings of grace.

The depths of the fall - the heights of the recovery.

The old man - the new man.

The diseases of the soul - the balm of a Saviour's blood.

These lessons learned are the furnace of inward experience. How different from the monkish austerity of the Ritualist, the lip service of the Pharisee, and the dry Calvinistic formulary!

What a dreadful lack is there is true preaching now! I look around and see so few men qualified to feed the church of God. We are overrun with parsons, but, oh dear! what are they? I cannot but attribute much of the low state of the churches to the ministers!

Ezekiel 34 is a true picture of the false shepherds:

And the word of the LORD came unto me, saying,

2Son of man, prophesy against the shepherds of Israel, prophesy, and say unto them, Thus saith the Lord GOD unto the shepherds; Woe be to the shepherds of Israel that do feed themselves! should not the shepherds feed the flocks?

3Ye eat the fat, and ye clothe you with the wool, ye kill them that are fed: but ye feed not the flock.

4The diseased have ye not strengthened, neither have ye healed that which was sick, neither have ye bound up that which was broken, neither have ye brought again that which was driven away, neither have ye sought that which was lost; but with force and with cruelty have ye ruled them.

5And they were scattered, because there is no shepherd: and they became meat to all the beasts of the field, when they were scattered.

6My sheep wandered through all the mountains, and upon every high hill: yea, my flock was scattered upon all the face of the earth, and none did search or seek after them.

7Therefore, ye shepherds, hear the word of the LORD;

8As I live, saith the Lord GOD, surely because my flock became a prey, and my flock became meat to every beast of the field, because there was no shepherd, neither did my shepherds search for my flock, but the shepherds fed themselves, and fed not my flock;

9Therefore, O ye shepherds, hear the word of the LORD;

10Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I am against the shepherds; and I will require my flock at their hand, and cause them to cease from feeding the flock; neither shall the shepherds feed themselves any more; for I will deliver my flock from their mouth, that they may not be meat for them.

11For thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I, even I, will both search my sheep, and seek them out.

12As a shepherd seeketh out his flock in the day that he is among his sheep that are scattered; so will I seek out my sheep, and will deliver them out of all places where they have been scattered in the cloudy and dark day.

13And I will bring them out from the people, and gather them from the countries, and will bring them to their own land, and feed them upon the mountains of Israel by the rivers, and in all the inhabited places of the country.

14I will feed them in a good pasture, and upon the high mountains of Israel shall their fold be: there shall they lie in a good fold, and in a fat pasture shall they feed upon the mountains of Israel.

15I will feed my flock, and I will cause them to lie down, saith the Lord GOD.

16I will seek that which was lost, and bring again that which was driven away, and will bind up that which was broken, and will strengthen that which was sick: but I will destroy the fat and the strong; I will feed them with judgment.

17And as for you, O my flock, thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I judge between cattle and cattle, between the rams and the he goats.

18Seemeth it a small thing unto you to have eaten up the good pasture, but ye must tread down with your feet the residue of your pastures? and to have drunk of the deep waters, but ye must foul the residue with your feet?

19And as for my flock, they eat that which ye have trodden with your feet; and they drink that which ye have fouled with your feet.

20Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD unto them; Behold, I, even I, will judge between the fat cattle and between the lean cattle.

21Because ye have thrust with side and with shoulder, and pushed all the diseased with your horns, till ye have scattered them abroad;

22Therefore will I save my flock, and they shall no more be a prey; and I will judge between cattle and cattle.

23And I will set up one shepherd over them, and he shall feed them, even my servant David; he shall feed them, and he shall be their shepherd.

24And I the LORD will be their God, and my servant David a prince among them; I the LORD have spoken it.

25And I will make with them a covenant of peace, and will cause the evil beasts to cease out of the land: and they shall dwell safely in the wilderness, and sleep in the woods.

26And I will make them and the places round about my hill a blessing; and I will cause the shower to come down in his season; there shall be showers of blessing.

27And the tree of the field shall yield her fruit, and the earth shall yield her increase, and they shall be safe in their land, and shall know that I am the LORD, when I have broken the bands of their yoke, and delivered them out of the hand of those that served themselves of them.

28And they shall no more be a prey to the heathen, neither shall the beast of the land devour them; but they shall dwell safely, and none shall make them afraid.

29And I will raise up for them a plant of renown, and they shall be no more consumed with hunger in the land, neither bear the shame of the heathen any more.

30Thus shall they know that I the LORD their God am with them, and that they, even the house of Israel, are my people, saith the Lord GOD.

31And ye my flock, the flock of my pasture, are men, and I am your God, saith the Lord GOD.

~J. C. Philpot~