Friday, August 21, 2020

Where Shall We Hide Our Blushing Face?

 Where Shall We Hide Our Blushing Face?

There is much indeed in ourselves of which we have reason truly to be ashamed, and to be filled with profound self-abhorrence. We have need to be ashamed of our unbelief; of our low thoughts of the Saviour; of our little love to God; of our slow advance in the divine life; of our imperfect conformity to Christ; of the power of indwelling sin; of our slender spiritual attainments in knowledge, personal holiness, and heavenly meekness.

What shamefacedness should cover us, that we are so ready to compromise, to falter, and to halt.

How deeply humbled should we be that there still exists in us so much carnality, love of the world, and conformity to the world; so little of the crucified spirit of a Cross bearing Saviour!

What cause of shame that, with all our profession, the pulse of spiritual life beats in our souls so faintly, the spirit of prayer breathes in us so feebly, that we possess so little real, vital religion, and follow Christ at so great a distance.

Filled with self abasement should we be, that the fruits and graces of the Spirit are in us so sickly, drooping, and dwarfed; that we have so limited a measure of faith, love, and humility; are so defective in our patience and meekness, wisdom, and gentleness; that, with all our blossom and foliage, there is so little real fruit to the glory of our Father.

May we not, in view of all this, exclaim with Ezra, in his deep grief and humiliation for the sins of the people, "O my God, I am utterly ashamed; I blush to lift up my face to You. For our sins are piled higher than our heads, and our guilt has reached to the heavens" (Ezea 9:6).

Oh, where shall we fly; where shall we hide our blushing face but in the blood of atonement! sprinkled afresh with which, we may lift up our heads and not be ashamed!

~Octavius Winslow~

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