Monday, August 24, 2020

He Justifies Us - But We Condemn Him!

 He Justifies Us - But We Condemn Him!

"This is love; not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins!" (1 John 4:10).

Jesus Christ brought life to us - but we brought death to Him!

He brought to us a life of grace, a life of comfort, a life of glory - but we brought shame to Him!

He brought riches to us - but we brought poverty to Him!

He brought joy to us - but we brought sorrow to Him, sorrow upon sorrow!

He put the crown of glory upon our heads - but we put the crown of thorns upon His head!

He does not think heaven is too good for us - but we thought the earth too good for Him, and would not let Him live here, but put Him to death!

He is not ashamed to own us before His Father and His holy angels - but we are ashamed to own Him before men!

He justifies us - but we condemn Him!

Oh! sirs, think of your unkindness to Him, and let the considerations of His infinite love and favor to you - draw out your affections after Him!

~William Dyer~

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