Friday, March 6, 2020

The Nearness of God

The Nearness of God

If you would have God come nearer; you must draw nearer to Him. That means, first of all, at the beginning of each day afresh to yield ourselves for His holy presence to rest upon us. It means a voluntary, intentional, and whole hearted turning away from the world to wait on God to make Himself known to our souls. It means giving time and all our heart and strength to all Him to reveal Himself. It is impossible to expect the abiding presence of Christ with u through the day, unless there is the definite daily exercise of strong desire and childlike trust in His Word: "Draw nigh to God, and He will draw nigh to you."

And that means further, the simple childlike offering of ourselves and our lives in everything to do His will alone and to seek above everything to please Him. His promise is sure: "If a man love Me he will keep My Words, and My Father will love him, and We will make our abode in him."

Then comes the quiet assurance of faith, even if there is not much feeling or sense of His presence, that God is with us, and that as we go out to do His will, He will watch over us and keep us and, what is more, strengthen us in the inner man with divine strength for the work we have to do for Him.

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