Friday, March 13, 2020

Days of Heaven on Earth

Days of Heaven on Earth

"Prayer is the mighty force that will move missionary work. Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that He will send forth laborers into His harvest" (Matthew 9:38).

We are asking God to touch the hearts of men every day by the Holy Spirit, so that they shall be compelled to go abroad and preach the gospel. We are  asking Him to awaken them at night with the solemn conviction that the heathen are perishing and that their blood will be upon their souls. God is answering that prayer by sending persons to us every day who feel that the King's business requires haste (1 Samuel 21:8).

Beloved, pray, pray, pray. And as petitions rise to the heavens there will be a period of silence in heaven, and the coals of fire will be emptied out upon the earth, and the coming of the Lord will begin to draw nearer. Pray until the Lord of the harvest thrust forth laborers into His harvest.

Send the coals of heavenly fire.
From the altar of the skies;
Fill our hearts with strong desire,
Till our prayers like incense rise.

~A. B. Simpson~

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