Thursday, October 22, 2020

The Transforming Power Of The Spirit!

 The Transforming Power Of The Spirit!

"To all those in Rome who are loved by God and called to be saints." (Romans 1:7).

Believers are separated from the world by the effectual working of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit calls them out from the world, and separates them as effectually as if a wall were built between them and it. He puts in them...

new hearts,

new minds,

new tastes,

new sorrows,

new joys,

new wishes,

new pleasures,

new longings.

He has given them...

new eyes,

new ears,

new affections,

new opinions.

He makes them new creatures. They are born again - and with a new birth they begin a new existence. Mighty indeed is the transforming power of the Spirit!

~J. C. Ryle~

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