Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Constant Religious Engagements

Constant Religious Engagements

"They made me the keeper of the vineyards; but my own vineyard have I not kept." 

We may be active in our Lord's cause, but not spiritual in our own souls. We may be earnest for the salvation of others, but not be living in the joys of salvation ourselves. We may be instrumentally distributing the bread and water of life, but not be enjoying daily refreshment in our own experience. I do sorrowfully think that this is too much the case in the present day.

The reason why I thus judge, is from finding people so lively in conversing upon what they are doing for the Lord - yet so slow to speak of what He is doing for them. They seem delighted to tell of the great things which are going on all around, but immediately shrink back if any "heart subject" is brought home to them.

In fact, if one speaks of personal enjoyment of the love of Jesus, there is no response from some - but they put it down to the score of egotism. While others refer to years past, when they did feel Him to be precious - but they confess that they know little of it now. They are so occupied in what they call "working for Him," that they hear little from Him, say little to Him, enjoy little of Him, and may truly say, "While I was busy here and there, He had left."

It is most lamentable for any living soul to be in constant religious engagements for the good of others - while following Jesus afar off." Very many such I fear there are; as well as hundreds who only know Him in the judgment - and yet are continually reading, teaching, and conversing on His blessed name. This is a day of great profession - but yet real vital godliness is at a low ebb, and close walking with God in sweet communion is too little sought after.

Solemn, indeed, are these facts! 

We may well say, with David, "Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my thoughts. Point out anything in me that offends You, and lead me along the path of everlasting life." (Psalm 139:23-24).

~Ruth Bryan~

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