Monday, May 4, 2020

All The Sins Of The Saints

All The Sins Of The Saints

"We know that God causes all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose" (Romans 8:28).

All the afflictions, and all the temptations, and all the desertions, and all the oppressions, and all the oppositions, and all the persecutions - which befall a godly man, shall work for his good.

Every cross, and every loss, and every disease - which befall the holy man, shall work for his good.

Every device, every snare, every deceit, every depth, every stratagem, and every enterprise of satan against the holy man - shall work for his good.

They shall all help to make him more humble, more holy, more heavenly, more spiritual, more faithful, more fruitful, more watchful.

Every prosperity, and every adversity; every storm, and every calm; every bitter, and every sweet; every cross, and every comfort - shall work for the holy man's good.

When God gives a mercy - that shall work for his good. When God takes away a mercy - that shall work for his good. Yes, even all the falls and all the sins of the saints shall work for their good. Oh, the care, the fear, the watchfulness, the tenderness, the zeal - which God raises in the souls of His saints by their very falls!

Oh what love to Christ, what thankfulness for Christ, what admiration of Christ, what cleaving to Christ, what exalting of Christ, are saints led to, by their very falls!

It is the glory of God's holiness, that He can turn spiritual diseases into holy remedies! He can prevent sin by sin, and cure falling by falling!

O Christian! What though friends and relations frown upon you, what though enemies are plotting against you, what though needs are breaking in upon you, what though men rage, and devils roar against you, what though death stands every day at your elbow - yet there is no reason for you to fear nor faint, because all these things shall work for your good! Yes, there is wonderful cause of joy and rejoicing in all the afflictions and tribulations which come upon you - considering that they shall all work for your good.

O Christian! I am afraid, I am afraid - that you do not run so often as you should to the breasts of this promise, nor draw that sweetness and comfort from it, that it would yield, and that your several cases may require. "We know that God causes all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose." I have been the longer upon this verse, because the conditions of God's people calls for the strongest cordials, and the choicest and the sweetest comforts.

~Thomas Brooks~

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