Wednesday, April 1, 2020

So Blind, So Deaf, So Dumb, So Lame, So Dead

So Blind, So Deaf, So Dumb, So Lame, So Dead!

The holy Christian is the greatest miracle.

He can tell you that he was so blind - but now God has given him eyes to see sin to be the greatest evil; and Christ to be the choicest good.

He can tell you that once he was so deaf - that though God called very often and very loudly to him - by His word and by His works, by His rods and by His judgments, and by His Spirit and conscience - sometimes life, sometimes death, sometimes heaven, and sometimes hell - yet he could not hear! But now God has given him a hearing ear, so that now he can with delight hear the sweet music of the promises on the one hand; and with a holy trembling listen to the voice of divine threatenings on the other hand.

He can tell you that once he was so dumb - that if he might have had the whole world, he could not have spoken a good word for God, nor for His ways, nor for His people, nor for any of His concernments. Oh! but now his tongue is as the pen of a ready writer - and he is never better, than when he is speaking either of God, or for God and His concerns. Now he can contend for the faith, and speak for saints. And though in some cases he may lack power to act for God - yet he never lacks a tongue to speak for God. The spouse's lips drop honeycombs in Canticles 4:11. Yes, his tongue now becomes a tree of life, whose leaves are medicinal.

He can tell you that once he was so lamb -that he was not able to move one foot heaven-wards, now Christ-wards, nor holiness-wards. But now his feet delight, not only to go - but to run in all the ways of God commands!

Yes, he can tell you that once he was so dead - as to all soul-concerns. But now he is alive, and the life that he leads in the flesh, is by faith in the Son of God, who has loved him and given Himself for him.

That the tide of sin, which before did run so strong - should be so easily turned; that the sinner who, a little before was sailing hell-ward, and lacked neither wind nor tide to carry him there - should now suddenly alter his course, and tack about for heaven - what a miracle is this! To see an earthly man become heavenly, a carnal man become spiritual, a loose man become precise, a proud man become humble, a covetous man become liberal, and a harsh man become meek, is to behold the greatest of miracles!

~Thomas Brooks~

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